Page 4 - Radium Story
P. 4


               Watered by good values, ferƟ lized by educaƟ on and   The  terriÞ c  twosome  -  Muni  Bhanuvijay  and
           under the heat of discipline, the seed was sprouƟ ng...   younger  brother  Muni  Padmavijay  made  a  Þ rm
           Sprinkled  by  aī ecƟ on  the  bud  was  blossoming...   resoluƟ on and did the Atham tapa (fasƟ ng for 3 days)
               Imagine  the  criƟ cal  condiƟ on  of  liƩ le  buds   in Shankheshwar in Lord Parshwanath’s pious presence
           and  ß owers  without  the  proper  care  of  a  gardener.  and  began  their  journey.  In  the  year  V.S.  2005,  they
           A similar situaƟ on was taking shape in Jawahar’s life.  set  their  foot  on  the  soil  of  Mumbai.

               Mother  Kantaben  was  down  with  Jaundice.  The     Muni  Bhanuvijay’s  discourses  -  dripping  with
           disease  became  incurable.  Jawahar  was  only  9  years   vairagya  accompanied  by  Muni  Padmavijay’s  heart  -
           old  when  his  mother  bid  a  farewell  to  this  world.  moving  Sajzayas  moved  the  enƟ re  city.
               Childhood  is  the  tender  age  which  requires      Those  mothers  who  compelled  their  sons  to
           nurture  and  nourishment.  A  small  child  resembles  a   go and listen to religious preachings now stopped them
           newly  bloomed  plant.  Both  need  to  be  fostered  and   from doing so, saying “Do not dare go to Bhanuvijay’s
           looked aŌ er. One needs the gardener while the other   sermons...  His  sermons  are  magical.  They  can  melt
           needs  a  mother.                                    stones  and  move  mountains.  God  forbid !  Under  its
                                                                impact  even  you  feel  like  renouncing  the  world.”
               Though Jawahar lost his mother but an eĸ  cient
           gardener  was  always  present.  –  His  father  –  His   Seeing  Muni  Bhanuvijay’s    strict  conduct,  pure
           mentor... who now had the responsibility of not only   mind and intelligence during the V.S. 2005’s chaturmas
           blossoming  a  single  ß ower  but  an  enƟ re  garden.  in Lalbaug-Mumbai, father Mafatbhai thought : “This
                                                                great  sage  can  surely  fulÞ l  both  the  requirements  -
               A man of courage and character father Mafatbhai
                                                                that  of  a  mother  as  well  as  a  gardener.”
           immediately  pledged  to  follow  celibacy  along  with  a
           strong  resoluƟ on  of  renouncing  the  world  (to  take   Overcoming the opposiƟ on from family members,
           Diksha).  Leaving  his  naƟ ve  place  Patan,  he  came  to   within  a  short  span  of  6  months,  father  Mafatbhai
           Mumbai.  He  enrolled  Jawahar  in  a  good  school  and   alongwith liƩ le Jawahar dedicated their lives in Muni
           himself began a challenging hunt for a God like Guru.  Bhanuvijay’s  feet.
                                                                     On the auspicious day of Vaishakha Vada 6, V.S.
                             O    O    O    O    O
                                                                2006,  in  Byculla  –  Mumbai,  3  wickets  fell  together!
               On the other side, in the lap of Siddhagiri-Palitana,
                                                                Out  of  which  one  was  Muni  Jayghoshvijay.
           a  visionary  Gurudev  Shri  Premsurishji  Maharaja
           showered  his  auspicious  blessings :  “Bhanuvijay!  Go   In  this  life  cricket,  the  one  who  is  weak  and
           to mesmerizing Mumbai. Create a team of enthusiasƟ c   careless is sure to get ‘out’. But the one who is tough
           and commiƩ ed young sadhus (monks) for the protecƟ on   and  alert,  has  the  calibre  to  willingly  come  ‘out’  of
           and  progress  of  Jinshasana.”                      ‘Sansara’  and  enter  the  ground  of  religion.
                                                  RADIUM      4    JUBILEE
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