Page 8 - Radium Story
P. 8


               Within  2  years  of  monkhood,  Bal  Muni  was  on   a  saint  who  is  steady  and  composed,  detached  from
           the  thresh  hold  of  youth.  As  age  increased,  mischief   worldly aƩ achments and sensual pleasures, engrossed
           gradually  decreased.                                in mediaƟ on is on such a plane of spiritual happiness
               From  the  Jawahar  who  failed  and  eventually   that  nothing  in  the  world  can  be  compared  to  him.
           dropped out of school in Std. 3 to the same Jawahar –     Muni  Jayghoshvijayji’s  life  was  a  conß uence  of
           Muni Jayghoshvijay who surpassed other learned saints   Sanyam,  Swadhyaya  and  Sadhana.
           and secured the Þ rst place in the Karmagrantha exam...   As  a  result  of  his  Sadhana,  he  got  a  divine
           What  a  drasƟ c  change!!  Everyone  was  taken  aback.   message  of  the  following  3  points  –
           Jawahar  radiance  touched  Dada  Gurudev’s  eyes!
                                                                     1) Do not hide anything from your Guru. Religiously
               During that year, a Shata vdhani scholar Dhirajlal   follow  each  and  every  wishes  of  your  Guru.
           Tokarshi  came  to  Dada  Gurudev  Shri  Premsuriji
                                                                     2) Serving fellow saints is of utmost importance.
           Maharaja and requested him “I have heard that over
                                                                All  other  chores  are  secondary  at  that  point  of
           the past 3 years you have trained a team of brilliant
                                                                Ɵ me.
           and  eĸ  cient  saints.  I  strongly  believe  that  they  can
                                                                     3) Avoid all other unimportant works and engross
           take the current Jinshasana to greater heights if their
                                                                yourself  in  Swadhyaya.
           Sanyam Sadhna is combined with Mantra Sadhna. ” The
                                                                     Muni Jayghoshvijayji accepted and implemented
           suggesƟ on  appealed  to  Pujya  Dada  Gurudev  and  he
                                                                the  above  3  sootras;
           arranged a lecture by Pandit Dhirajlal for his disciples.
                                                                     DedicaƟ on, Service and Study were now his real
               This  lecture  left  a  great  impact  on  Muni
                                                                health  and  wealth.
           Jayghoshvijayji.  AŌ er  compleƟ on  of  chomasu,  with
           the permission and blessings of Dada Gurudev, Muni        Just  as  he  is  at  the  peak  from  the  social
           Jayghoshvijayji    commenced  the  meditaƟ on  of  the   point  of  view,  his  posiƟ on  in  the  spiritual  Þ eld  is
           Mantra ‘Namo Jinanam  Jiya Bhayanam’ in the upashray   also  unmatched.  He  himself  believes  the  above
           of  Jhaver  Road-  Mulund-  Mumbai  combined  with  3   3  messages  to  be  his  ‘secret  to  success.’
           days  fast,  siƫ  ng  constantly  in  Padmasana  for  hours   He  made  his  way,  he  reached  the  top...
           together….His  concentraƟ on  and  determinaƟ on  were   He  showed  us  the  way,  now  why  wait,  why  halt ?
                                                                  His  life  –  a  vast  laboratory,  a  24  x  7  workshop,
               The imaginaƟ on of that Ɵ me and situaƟ on reminds
                                                                   This  is  just  a  trailer  as  lil’  as  a  pinch  of  salt..!!
           me of a verse from a sootra ‘Gyansara’ which says that
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