Page 12 - Radium Story
P. 12


           SEA  OF  KNOWLEDGE

               Venue  –  Matunga-Mumbai  ...  Time  approx  8.00     Just  4  years  back,  the  young  Muni  who  was
           p.m... Oral  revision of the concepts of Karmagrantha   learning  the  A.B.C.  of  Karma  Grantha,  the  Muni  to
           were  on  in  full  swing.                           whom  the  familiar  Sanskrit  of  Rajyppaseni  seemed
               Though  Muni  Jayghoshvijayji  age  was  young,  LaƟ n... within a short span of just 4 years, the same
           his maturity level was high. He enjoyed understanding   Muni was considered worthy to grasp the complicated
           the meaning of sootras rather than memorising them.   theories of the intricate Aagam-‘Chhed sootras’; which
                                                                without  proper  capability  and  maturity  are  not  read
               As  told  earlier  accepting  the  astrologer’s
                                                                even  aŌ er  40  years!
           suggesƟ on,  Dada  Gurudev  also  moƟ vated  him  to
                                                                     From  the  early  Ɵ mes,  since  V.S.  2012,  Dada
           this  eī ect.
                                                                Gurudev  included  Muni  Jayghoshvijayji  in  the  study
               Coming  to  the  main  point,  at  night  Muni
                                                                of  the  complex  Nishith  sootra,  etc.  Whenever  Dada
           Jayghoshvijay  was  reading  the  GujaraƟ   translaƟ on  of
                                                                Gurudev  wanted  some  parƟ cular  reference  from
           a  scripture  “Lok  Prakash”.  When  Dada  Gurudev  got
                                                                scriptures like Nishith, he informed Muni Jayghoshvijay –
           this  news,  he  immediately  summoned  Jayghoshvijay
                                                                “Jayghosh ! From this part, this lesson of Nishith, Þ nd
           and  told  him  “Now  onwards,  I  forbid  you  to  read
                                                                me  this  kind  of  an  arƟ cle.”
           any  GujaraƟ   literatures.  Whatever  you  want  to  read,
                                                                     Along  with  this  began  the  creaƟ on  of  a  diver,
           it should be either Sanskrit or Prakrit. If you happen
                                                                who  dived  deep  in  the  vast  sea  of  scriptures    and
           to  read  GujaraƟ ,  I  will  not  have  milk  that  day”…..
                                                                extracted  gems  of  facts  and  Þ gures.
           However  Munishri  never  let  that  happen!!
                                                                     In  the  year  V.S.  2013,  Dada  Gurudev  himself
               All  direcƟ ons  were  waiƟ ng  with  open  arms  to
                                                                thoroughly  taught  him  the  Chhed  sootras.
           welcome  his  historic  progress  and  success.
                                                                     These  sootras  are  priceless.  Not  only  Indian
               The  combinaƟ on  of  Dada  Gurudev’s  abundant
                                                                rupees, but also dollars & pounds are unable to value
           grace  and  Muni  Jayghoshvijay’s  supreme  acceptance
                                                                them. These sootras are those true gems whose shine
           created a marvellous miracle, which has leŌ  the enƟ re   exceed the Kohinoor Diamond. These sootras are like
           Jain  community  awestruck  for  ages  to  come  .   the lioness’s milk, leave alone preserving and digesƟ ng
               QualiƟ es  of  straight  forwardness,  innocence,   it,  even  holding  it  needs  a  golden  vessel.
           simplicity  etc,  Þ rst  rank  in  studying,  reading  of   When  Jawahar  was  born,  his  grandfather
           Rayappaseni, vihar of Khadki and similar such incidents   Chunibhai  had  predicted,  “This  child  will  become  a
           touched  Dada  Gurudev  and  Muni  Jayghoshvijayji   millionaire at 21.” Really, when Dada Gurudev taught
           acquired  a  special  place  in  his  heart.  Dada  Gurudev   the  Chhed  sootras  to  Muni  Jayghoshvijayji,    his  age
           showered  him  with  power  and  blessings.          was  21.
                                                  RADIUM     12    JUBILEE
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