Page 16 - Radium Story
P. 16


               Dada Gurudev Param Pujya Premsuriji Maharaja-         Under the able leadership of Muni Jayghoshvijay,
           an amazing personality - totally selß ess, detached and   approx  15  saints  did  the  chomasu  at  Vadhvan.
           composed!  An  exemplary  existence  -  free  from  any   Immersed  in  deep  study  and  strict  conduct,  these
           desires,  wants  and  wishes...                      saints  not  only  became  detached  from  the  outside
               In  those  Ɵ mes  when  the  name  “Karmagrantha”   world,  but  also  from  their  own  self...
           was  not  at  all  familiar,  Pujya  Premsuriji  Maharaja   All that was studied was beauƟ fully implemented
           studied  the  cloth  wrapped  Karmagrantha  scriptures   and  the  scriptures  not  only  remained  on  the  Ɵ p  of
           on his own. He solved the complicated concepts and   their  tongue  but  got  engraved  in  their  hearts...
           perplexing  problems.                                     Their  team  leader  was  its  Þ nest  example!!
               He  not  only  cleared  the  dirt  oī   the  untouched   Once  while  going  somewhere  Muni  Jayghosh-
           scriptures  lying  in  the  libraries  since  ages  but  in   vijay  got  hurt  on  his  leg.  But  who  had  the  Ɵ me  to
           reality  removed  the  dirt  of  ignorance  by  spreading   pay  heed  to  it?
           Jain-Shasana’s Karma philosophies in every household!!
                                                                     Day  aŌ er  day  passed.  The  pain  increased.  AŌ er
               He  undertook  great  eī orts  to  rejuvenate  the   almost  15  days  he  took  the  pain  to  look  at  his  leg.
           almost  forgoƩ en  theories  of  Karma  philosophy.  He   He  then  realised  that  an  almost  2  inch  long  wooden
           moƟ vated and empowered the young team of saints     splinter had pierced and gone inside his leg, pus had
           for  this  mega  “Karmagrantha  Navsarjan”  project.  formed  and  the  wound  had  became  sepƟ c...
               Not only knowledge, he made the saints parƟ cular     But  who  bothered?  Who  had  the  Ɵ me?
           in conduct as well. To ensure that they always follow
                                                                     He soŌ ly pulled out the splinter and cleaned the
           Sanyam life’s strict code of conduct without laziness,
                                                                pus  with  an  old  cloth  and  it  was  over!!
           he  executed  a  novel  plan!
                                                                     No  DeƩ ol,  No  Bandage,  No  Big  Deal !!
               V.  S.  2015’s  chomasu  was  Þ nalized  in  Surendra-
                                                                     A  verse  from  "Dashvaikalik"  –
           nagar.  Only  4  kms  from  there  was  the  small  but
           peaceful  and  emoƟ onal  village  of  Vadhvan,  very         "A{d  AßnUmo{d  Xoh{å‘,  Zm¶a§{V  ‘‘mB¶§'
           favourable  from  Swadhyay  and  Sanyam’s  point  of      It means – Leave apart material possessions, my
           view.                                                body  is  also  not  mine.
               Dada  Gurudev  examined  the  saints  and  sent  a    How  well  he  implemented  the  concepts  of  his
           team  of  selected  saints  to  Vadhvan  for  chaturmas.  reading  world  into  the  real  world...!
               He bound them with a high code of conduct and         You  want  an  evidence  -  Go,  check!
           gave  them  a  parƟ cular  target  to  be  achieved  in  the   That  severe  wound  leŌ   a  mark  which  is  visible
           Þ eld  of  Aagam  Study.                             on  his  leg  even  today...

                                                  RADIUM     16    JUBILEE
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