Page 14 - Radium Story
P. 14


               Muni Jayghoshvijay’s diksha marked the opening        They  used  to  begin  reading  at  9.00  a.m.  and
           of  the  Diksha  phase  in  Mumbai.                  conƟ nue  non-stop  right  upƟ ll  3  p.m….  Constant    6
               Muni  Bhanuvijay’s  impacƞ ul  sermons  stopped   hours  of  reading  every  day...!!
           many  happy-go-lucky  teenagers  from  going  on  the     AŌ er  having  done  a  comprehensive  study  of  all
           path  of  sensual  pleasures  and  luxuries.  Born  with  a   Digambar  and  Shwetambar  Karma  based  scriptures,
           silver spoon in the mouth, Jivanlal Pratapshi’s grandson   in  the  year  V.S.  2017,  with  the  blessings  of  Dada
           Indravadan  renounced  the  world  and  became  Muni   Gurudev  a  team  of  11  saints  engaged  themselves
           Chandrashekharvijay. Mulchand who came to Mumbai     in  the  creaƟ on  of  “Karmagrantha  Navsarjan”  which
           to  make  a  mark  in  the  Þ lm  industry  entered  Muni   conƟ nued  Ɵ ll  V.S.  2034  for  17  long  years.
           Bhanuvijay’s  "Sanyam"  industry  and  became  Muni       Three  saints  were  at  the  prime  of  this  creaƟ on
           Bhadraguptvijay.  Also,  inspite  of  being  engaged,   who  had  the  ardours  responsibility  of  collecƟ on
           Hiralal  broke  all  worldly  Ɵ es  and  became  Muni   of  the  concepts  to  be  included.  Those  3  brilliant
           Hemchandravijay.                                     saints were – Muni Jayghoshvijay, Muni Dharmanand-
                                                                vijay,  Muni  Hemchandhavijay.
               To  stabilize  the  young  monks  coming  from
           royal  and  presƟ gious  families  and  to  uƟ lize  their   From  these  concepts,  Muni  Veershekarvijay
           inexhausƟ ble youth power for the Shasana and creaƟ on   composed verses in Prakrit and other saints explained
                                                                the  meanings  of  these  verses  in  Sanskrit.
           of scriptures, Dada Gurudev devised the scheme of the
           renewal  of  the  Karma  Philosophy.  In  today’s  modern   Muni  Jayghoshvijay  was  involved  in  3  things  :-
           terms,  you  can  call  it  a  Mega  Project.             1. CompilaƟ on  of  concepts.
               The  enƟ re  team  including  Muni  Jayghoshvijayji   2. New  creaƟ on  in  Sanskrit  equivalent  to  40,000
           was  occupied  in  the  study  and  research  of  Karma   verses.
           grantha. AŌ er the detailed study of our Shwetambar       3. Research  and  correcƟ on  of  the  newly  created
           scriptures,  a  thorough  study  of  Digambar  scriptures   literature.
           also  took  place.                                             What  a  wonderful  coincidence :
               Even  a  small  creaƟ on  is  the  result  of  hours  of     “17  was  a  magical  Þ gure”!
           ceaseless eī orts. To understand this you should make    • When  Muni  Jayghoshvijay  started  studying
           a  detailed  ‘Study’  of  this  team’s  ‘study’.               Karmagrantha,  his  age  was  17  !
               In  V.S.  2010,  in  the  Ahmednagar  chomasu,  the   • When  ‘Karmagrantha  Navsarjan’  was  iniƟ ated,  the
           threesome    of  Muni  Jayghoshvijay,  Dharmanandvijay,                year  was  2017.
           Hemchandravijay commenced the study of the karma       • The  work  conƟ nued  from  2017  to  2034  –  The
           theory  based  on  the  Digambar  scripture  “Gommat           total  creaƟ on  period  –  17  years.
           saar”.                                                   • The  number  of  total  volumes  wriƩ en  =  17.

                                                  RADIUM     14    JUBILEE
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