Page 10 - Radium Story
P. 10


           TO  THE  GURU'S  HEART

               The  fantasƟ c  fusion  of  dedicaƟ on,  service  and   paying  reverence  to  Acharya  Jambusuriji  everyone
           study  enabled  Muni  Jayghoshvijayji  to  progress  from   along  with  Dada  Gurudevshri  reached  Khadki  village
           the  last  rank  to  the  Þ rst  rank.               in  the  evening.
               A  liƩ le  ß ashback  –  We  are  talking  about  the   At  night  Muni  Jayghoshvijayji  was  struck
           same  Jawahar  who  failed  in  school  in  3rd  standard,    with  fever.  The  temperature  crossed  104  degrees.
           the  same  Muni  Jayghoshvijayji  who  wasn’t  taken   Next  morning  approx  18  km  long  vihar  was  planned
           into  consideraƟ on  when  Dada  Gurudev  took  the   plus  the  evening  vihar  as  well...  Weakness,  body
           major  oath  of  not  having  sweets  Ɵ ll  Muni  Rajendra,   pain, headache prevailed ... Ignoring all these physical
           Bhadragupatavijayji,  etc.  total  8  saints  did  not  read   problems,  mentally  strong  Muni  Jayghoshvijayji  did
           the  45  Agamas  completely.                         the enƟ re vihar next morning with Dada Gurudev as
               You  will  be  amazed  to  know  that  at  that  Ɵ me   usual  bare  foot.
           Muni Jayghoshvijayji was elder to all the above saints    AŌ er  the  vihar  Munishri  was  resƟ ng.  In  the
           and sƟ ll his name was not on the list. This itself was   aŌ ernoon at approx 2:30 p.m. Dada Gurudev suddenly
           enough  to  label  him  as  a  failure  but  he  did  not  get   commenced  the  vihar  towards  the  next  desƟ naƟ on
           depressed.  And  what  was  the  result  ?  Inspite  of  not   and  instructed  the  other  Sadhus  to  get  the  ailing
           being  on  the  list,  Muni  Jayghoshvijayji  was  the  Þ rst   Muni  Jayghoshvijayji  in  a  stretcher.
           among  all  to  study  all  the  45  Aagamas.             Always  living  in  Dada  Gurudev’s  proximity,
               When  he  read  his  first  Aagam  scripture,    separaƟ on  for  even  a  short  span  did  not  go  down
           ‘Rayappaseni’  he  admiƩ ed  that : ‘It  seems  that  ants   well with Pujyashri. When he woke and realised that
           are crawling in front of my eyes. I cannot understand a   Dada Gurudev had already started the vihar, without
           word.’ The same saint’s wisdom is considered premier   a  moment’s  delay,  he  picked  up  his  Kamali  (shawl)
           in  Jinshasana  today.  The  secret  of  this  unimaginable   and Dando (sƟ ck) and rushed. He met Dada Gurudev
           chemical  change  lies  in  the  following  incident  of  the   at  almost  4  pm.  This  wasn’t  just  the  meeƟ ng  of  a
           Vihar  of  Khadki  -                                 mentor  and  disciple....  It  was  their  union!!
               The Vihar was just another normal and insigniÞ cant   That  and  every  consecutive  vihar  -  Muni
           one – from Khadki to Talegaon. But it yielded abnormal   Jayghoshvijayji’s  both  hands  were  occupied  -  one
           and  signiÞ cant  fruits...  Muni  Jayghoshvijayji  not  only   with  pot  full  of  the  life  saver  (water)  and  the  other
           reached  Talegaon  but  reached  Dada  Gurudev’s  heart   with  the  hand  of  his  life  shaper  !!.  We  have  heard
           too...                                               from many saints who knew Dada Gurudev closely –
               The  scene  was  such  –                         our present GachchhadhipaƟ  Jayghoshsuri Maharaj is
                                                                a  replica  of  Pujya  Premsuri  Maharaja...!!
               AŌ er  the  V.  S.  2011’s  Chomasa  at  Ahmednagar,
           they  were  on  their  way  to  Mumbai  via  Pune.  AŌ er
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