Page 18 - Radium Story
P. 18


               From  V.S.  2013,  Dada  Gurudev  himself  made   or  wash  their  clothes.  Also  since  the  early  age  of
           Muni Jayghoshvijay read the important Chhed sootras.  15,  he  used  to  go  for  Gochari.  If  some  old  saint  is
               This is the same Balmuni who started Sanskrit 7   sick  or  in  need  of  help,  he  would  leave  all  his  work,
           Ɵ mes, got Ɵ red, depressed and leŌ  it... he did not even   even  today!!
           dare  to  study  Prakrit...  The  same  Balmuni,  by  Dada   Once,  when  Balmuni  was  going  for  vandan  of
           Gurudev’s  incredible  grace  reached  such  heights!!!  other sadhus, he saw that old Muni Lavanyavijay was
               It  seemed  that  Dada  Gurudev’s  knowledge  and   Þ lling  some  medicine  in  a  boƩ le.  Due  to  an  obscure
           experience transmited in Muni Jayghoshvijay. Balmuni   eyesight the amount of medicine falling on the ground
           could eĸ  ciently and speedily read the original Prakrit   exceeded the medicine going inside the small mouth
           verses of the Chhed sootras and their explanaƟ on in   boƩ le.
           Sanskrit.                                                 Seeing this, immediately Muni Jayghoshvijay, took
               Brihatkalp  in  V.S  2013,  Nishith  in  2014  and  Ɵ ll   the  boƩ le  from  his  hand  and  began  Þ lling  it  with
           2016, he completed the enƟ re study of Chhed sootras   medicines.
           including the Vyavhar sootra… Along with it the study     Exactly  at  that  Ɵ me,  devotee  of  Navkar  Mantra,
           of Kammapayadi etc. Karma based scriptures as a pre-  Pujya Panyas Bhadrankarvijay was geƫ  ng oī  the stairs
           preparaƟ on of the upcoming project of “Karmagrantha   with another monk and happened to glance at Muni
           Navsarjan”  was  also  going  on...                  Jayghoshvijay. Looking at the unique scene, he pointed
               AŌ er  the  V.S  2016’s  chomasu  in  Shivganj,  Dada   at Muni Jayghoshvijay and exclaimed “Look! Jayghosh
           Gurudev  moved  ahead  towards  Marwad.  Updhan      is  not  only  Þ lling  the  boƩ le  with  medicines,  but  he
           Tap  was  organised  in  Sheeldhar.  Dada  Gurudev’s   is  Þ lling  it  with  fresh  Punya.”
           descendant Pujya Yashodevsuri was also present there.     In  this  unbearable  Kalikal,  it  is  rare  to  Þ nd
           He  had  an  aged  disciple  named  Muni  Lavanyavijay.   knowledge  and  Punya  together  at  one  place.  But
               Since the beginning Balmuni Jayghoshvijay loved   Pujya GachchhadipaƟ  Jayghoshsuriji is not only at the
           to serve and help other saints. When he was Jawahar,   apex of knowledge but at the zenith of Punya as well.
           without the knowledge of the Sadhus he used to drop   A  rare  combinaƟ on!!
           chocolates  in  their  patras.                            We  feel  like  quesƟ oning  Pujya  Jayghoshsuriji
               AŌ er Diksha, when saints were busy studying, he   “A  total  of  how  many  boƩ les  of    Punya  did  you
           used to quietly take their Rajoharan and do padilekhana   Þ ll ?”

                                                  RADIUM     18    JUBILEE
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