Page 22 - Radium Story
P. 22



           SERMON  IN  PRAKRIT

               Muni  Jayghoshvijay  was  passing  from  the  phase   Munishri accepted each and every proposal-order,
           of  a  mischievous  child  to  a  mature  and  wise  saint.  Aadesh put up by Dada Gurudev. It lead to a miraculous
               He  renounced  the  world  at  a  very  young  age.   event  in  Khambhat.
           On being asked, “Why did you take Diksha?”  You will      Suddenly  Dada  Gurudev  ordered  Muni
           get  the  answer  “Just  !  It  was Þ t  in  the  liƩ le  brain  to   Jayghoshvijay,  “Jayghosh!  Today  you  have  to  give  a
           do what father does. My father is taking diksha then   lecture  to  all  other  saints,  that  too  in  Prakrit!”
           why  can't  I ?”                                          From  the  beginning,  Muni  had  maintained  an
               Studying was sƟ ll at the boƩ om... Which was the   arm's distance from the Prakrit textbook, leave along
           Þ rst  Aagam  he  read ?  “Rayyappaseni”,  but  he  could   reading or studying it. Imagine his mental state when
           not  understand  a  word  at  all…  it  seemed  like  LaƟ n!!  he  was  told  to  speak  in  Prakrit  !!

               He  was  last  everywhere  inspite  of  being  the    An unknown language, a knowledgeable audience
           beginner  of  the  Diksha  era.  His  name  was  always   and  added  to  it  no  Ɵ me  to  pracƟ se !!
           noted  as  no.  11  player  when  study  groups  were     When  it  was  Dada  Gurudev's  order,  was
           formed.  “You  were  the  eldest  among  all  then  why   there  any  opƟ on  except  agreeing  to  it  and  saying
           so?”  On  being  asked,  he  would  answer  “In  studying,   a  “Yes” ?  The  young  Muni  who  had  no  habit  of
           I  was  Þ rst  from  the  end.”                      speaking  even  amidst  Shravakas,  giving  a  discourse
               As  Dada  Gurudev's  grace  intensiÞ ed,  Jawahar's   to  other  monks  was  beyond  his  imaginaƟ on.  But
           shine  intensiÞ ed  and  made  Jaygoshvijay's  presence   Muni Jayghoshvijay bowed down in the feet of Dada
           divine!!                                             Gurudev,  closed  his  eyes  for  a  minute  and  started

           An  excepƟ onal  journey  –                          speaking  in  Prakrit.
           From  taking  Diksha  at  a  young  age,                  He  spoke  constantly  for  45  minutes.  His  Þ rst
                                                                sermon  in  Prakrit.  AŌ er  that  whenever  he  gave
               To  becoming  the  head  of  almost  530  sages,
                                                                discourses to sadhus, in last 12 years I can tell you with
           From  an  educaƟ onal  setback,
                                                                guarantee-None of his concepts have ever repeated !!
               To  achieving  the  “Siddhant  Diwakar”  tag     He must have studied the scriptures so repeatedly &

           From  being  always  last,                           relentlessly that he was able to give relentless sermons
               To reaching the level of the 'Supreme Wise' vast.  without  repeƟ Ɵ on  of  a  single  concept !!
               The roots of this successful journey lies in 100%     The  sermon  started  in  Prakrit  assumed  Aprakrit
           ACCEPTANCE.                                          (extraordinary)  state  !!!
                                                  RADIUM     22    JUBILEE
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