Page 24 - Radium Story
P. 24



               Along with son Jawahar, father Mafatlal dedicated     Once  father  Muni  Dharmghoshvijay’s  health
           himself  in  the  feet  of  Muni  Bhanuvijay  and  become   worsened. He was told to be given a speciÞ c injecƟ on
           Muni  Dharmghoshvijay.  From  that  very  moment     which  would  not  be  available  at  normal  chemists.  It
           he  surrendered  Muni  Jayghoshvijay  completely  in   was  expensive  as  well  as  diĸ  cult  to  obtain.
           Gurudev’s feet forsaking his rights as a father as well   But clever in judging situaƟ on, Panyas Jayghoshvijay
           as  a  Guru.                                         did not send any Shravak to buy the injecƟ on. Instead
               He  had  given  clear  instruction  to  Muni     he  sent  a  normal  worker,  working  in  the  upashray.
           Jayghoshvijay,  “You  have  to  sit  and  study  constantly   Knowing him, the chemist gave him the injecƟ on and
           in  the  proximity  and  presence  of  Dada  Gurudev.  Do   also  told  him,  “Since  I  know  you,  I  am  giving  this  to
           not worry about me at all. Completely engross yourself   you!  Otherwise  we  do  not  give  this  to  everyone.  At
           in  service  of  Guru  and  study  of  scriptures!!”  present,  I  have  just  one.  Ask  your  Maharaj  Saheb,  if
               Till V.S. 2024, Muni Jayghoshvijay’s Aasan (siƫ  ng   he  needs  more,  I  will  call  for  it”
           place) was right besides Dada Gurudev’s table and his     Panyas  Jayghoshvijay  ordered  8  new  injecƟ ons
           requirements  and  patras  beneath  the  table.      but  when  he  realised  that  they  needed  preservaƟ on
               After  Dada  Gurudev  passed  away,  within      in  a  refrigerator,  he  gave  them  back  to  the  chemist
           a  few  years,  father  and  respected  Guru  Muni   and  freed  himself  from  the  possible  sins.
           Dharmghoshvijay’s  health  deteriorated.  At  that  Ɵ me,   ‘If fortune favours, injecƟ on will not be required
           to  be  able  to  serve  him  eĸ  ciently  and  ensure  his   at  all,  and  if  required  then  like  the  Þ rst  Ɵ me,  I  will
           mental peace and equanimity, he stayed in Ahmedabad   get  it  from  anywhere’  were  his  thoughts.  A  fabulous
           for  6  years  and  set  a  Þ ne  example  for    the  future   fusion  of  Seva,  Swadhyaya  and  Sanyam.
           generaƟ ons. !!!
                                                                     Even  during  Muni  Dharmaghoshvijay’s  last
               In  the  evenings,  Muni  Dharmghoshvijay        crucial  moments,  he  used  his  intelligence.  He  called
           did  not  feel  like  eaƟ ng  anything  speciÞ c.  Thus   Acharya  Ramchandrasuri  Maharaja  to  the  upashray
           Jayghoshvijay  used  to  get  ‘Kadhi’  as  well  as  milk,   and  requested  him  to  stay  overnight.  2.00  a.m.  at
           Muni  Dharmghoshvijay  would  have  whatever  he     night,  Muni  Dharmaghoshvijay  leŌ   this  mortal  world
           felt  like  and  Muni  Jayghoshvijay  would  happily  have   in  Pujya  Acharya  Ramchndrasuri’s  laps.
           the  remaining!!
                                                                     The true son who served his father Muni Ɵ relessly
               The  noteworthy  thing  is  that  milk  was  never
                                                                Ɵ ll the last breath, ensuring both his physical as well
           suitable  to  Muni  Jayghoshvijay’s  health...But  such
                                                                as  mental  peace  and  composure.
           was  his  dedicaƟ on  that  during  these  6  years,  Muni
           Dharmghoshvijay  did  not  get  even  the  slightest  hint
           about  this  fact !!
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