Page 26 - Radium Story
P. 26


           ESSENCE  OF  SANYAM

               Even  when  Jawahar  was  young,  unlike  other       In  the  enƟ re  group,  Muni  Jayghoshvijayji  had  a
           children  of  his  age  ‘Tyaga’  aƩ racted  him.  Even  when   reputed  image-extremely  generous  in  ‘GIVING’  and
           his father gave him chocolates, he would go and drop   courageous  in  ‘LEAVING’!
           them  in  some  saint’s  patras.                          Once a thought occurred to him that if my Lord
               The  mango  season  was  at  its  peak  during   Mahavir  can  take  such  terriÞ c  vows  and  fast  for  5
           Jawahar’s  diksha.  He  was  a  child  and  hence  was   months  and  25  days,  then  can’t  I  leave  something
           pampered  a  lot  by  other  sadhus.  We  are  talking   and  take  a  small  vow  that  is  in  my  capacity?
           about an incident that occurred soon aŌ er his diksha,    And  he  took  an  oath.  Now  onwards,  he  would
           before the vadi-diksha (the main diksha). According to   start having vegetables only if the following condiƟ ons
           the rules and regulaƟ ons of Jain monks, Ɵ ll the Vadi-  were  fulÞ lled  :  A  young  unmarried  girl  with  tears  in
           diksha a new monk has many restricƟ ons. For e.g. He   her  eyes  should  give  him  vegetable  with  the  help
           cannot have food or water with others. He has to sit   of  a  knife.  While  going  for  Gochari,  he  would  get
           between  the  boundaries  of  Dandas  (wooden  sƟ cks   vegetables  but  not  for  himself.
           used  by  Sadhus)  on  all  4  sides  and  have  his  meal  or   Finally one day he reached someone’s house and
           even  water  inside.  The  food  or  water  that  has  once   stood  at  the  door  and  called  ‘Dharmalabha’.  At  that
           gone  inside  the  boundaries  cannot  be  brought  out.  Ɵ me the lady of the house was washing clothes in the
               One  day  some  saint  lovingly  and  forcibly  kept   backyard  and  her  liƩ le  daughter  was  playing  in  the
           a  patri  (vessel  used  by  Sadhus  for  having  water   hall. On hearing the echo ‘Dharmalabha’ the mother
           and  food)  full  of  mango  juice  inside  the  boundary.   asked the girl to give Gochari to the Muniraj. On being
           Without  any  fear  or  hesitaƟ on  Balmuni  liŌ ed  the   interrupted in her play, the girl was furious and refused
           patri,  kept  it  outside  and  said  “Have  I  renounced   to  do  so.  But  to  culƟ vate  the  habit  of  Supatradaan
           the  world  and  taken  diksha  to  have  mango  juice?”  in  her,  the  mother  forcibly  made  her  give  Gochari.
                                                                First chapaƟ , next it was the chance of vegetable. Not
               Since  the  young  age  of  15,  he  used  to  go  for
                                                                Þ nding  a  spoon,  she  took  a  knife  which  was  handy.
           Gochari.  AŌ er  distribuƟ ng  the  Gochari  to  others,  he
           would have the remaining, someƟ mes more someƟ mes   Munishri’s  oath  was  on  the  verge  of  compeƟ Ɵ on.
                                                                Everything  was  perfect  --  a    young  unmarried  girl,
           less. SomeƟ mes it so happened that Gochari would be   vegetable  and  the  unexpected  instrument  of  knife!!
           really less and he would have to wait Ɵ ll new Gochari   Just  the  tears  were  lacking...
           arrived. At that Ɵ me some saint would remark, “You
                                                                     Out  of  ego  and  non  –  fulÞ lment  of  her  desire,
           are the one who distributes Gochari. Then while doing
           so,  why  don’t  you  keep  some  of  it  for  yourself  from   tears  welled  up  in  the  liƩ le  girl’s  eyes  and  Lo!  AŌ er
                                                                a  period  of  almost  6  months!  Muni  Jayghoshvijayji’s
           the  beginning ?  Muni  Jayghoshvijayji  would  laugh  it   oath  was  fulÞ lled.
           out and give some lame excuse, ‘You have the iniƟ al
           cold  food.  I  get  to  have  the  hot  food  that  comes  at   ‘Oath’  –  ‘Abhigraha’  which  means  acceptance
           the  end...!!”                                            What  an  art  of  accepƟ ng  and  forsaking!!
                                                  RADIUM     26    JUBILEE
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