Page 30 - Radium Story
P. 30


               Some people's nature resembles that of a honey-  Muni  Ratnanshuvijayji  accepted  the  responsibility  (!)
           bee.  They  gather  but  neither  do  they  eat  nor  give  it   of  the  Sthapanacharya,  in  front  of  which  even  today
           to others, while some people have a royal nature like   Pujya  GachchhadhipaƟ   Shri  does  all  his  daily  rituals.
           that  of  the  clouds-  they  shower  all  that  they  gather.  A  similar  incident  occurred  with  Pujya  Gurudev
               Muni Jayghoshvijay was not the one to grab but   Bhanuvijayji  -
           was always happy to give!! He wouldn't feel low if he     Someone giŌ ed an expensive, new pen in Pindvada
           did  not  get  anything  and  did  not  consider  anything   to Pujya Bhanuviajyji. He called Muni Jayghoshvijay and
           lost if someone took something from him... Generosity   giving  him  the  pen,  said,  “You  have  to  write  a  lot.
           Personified !!                                       This  pen  is  smooth  and  has  a  Þ ne  Ɵ p.  It  will  prove
               Once,  Dada  Gurudev  decided  to  give  a  few   useful  to  you  and  suits  you  as  well.  But,  there's  a
           selected sadhus the Sthapanacharya. A list of sadhus   condiƟ on– You aren't supposed to give it to anyone.”
           was  prepared  and  declared.  It  so  happened  that ...   Not  wishing  to  disrespect  Gurudev,  he  took  the
           One  Sthapanacharya  was  less!!                     pen.  But  the  condiƟ on  proved  crucial  to  him.  Till  3
               Without  thinking  even  for  a  moment,  with  full   days, he hid the pen so that it did not catch anyone's
           conÞ dence,  Dada  Gurudev  told  Muni  Jayghoshvijay   aƩ enƟ on, not because he feared anyone taking it, but
           “This  Ɵ me  you  will  not  be  geƫ  ng  Sthapanacharya”.  he  feared  the  situaƟ on  that  would  arise  if  someone
               Displaying  a  unique  feeling  of  oneness  Muni   asked for the pen. How could he say 'No'? On one end,
           Jayghoshvijay  immediately  replied  “Aren't  your   Gurudev had instructed him not to give it to anyone
           Sthapanacharya mine?? I do not need a separate one!!”  and  on  the  other  refusing  was  not  his  cup  of  tea.
               It  wouldn't  maƩ er  if  Muni  Jayghoshvijay  got    Finally,  on  the  4th  day,  returning  the  pen  to
           anything  less  but  it  surely  did  if  he  was  unable  to   Gurudev  he  requested  “  I  am  fortunate  that  you
           sacriÞ ce  something  asked  for...                  considered me worthy of this pen. But I cannot refuse
                                                                if  someone  asks  for  it.  Hence,  please  accept  it  back
               His father and Guru Muni Dharmagoshvijayji once
                                                                alongwith  its  condiƟ on.”
           instructed Muni Jayghoshvijayji, “Look Jayghosh! AŌ er
           me, this Sthapanacharya is only yours.” The 'only' word   Inspite  of  the  condiƟ on  to  not  give  the  pen  to
           in the sentence pricked him and he instantly replied,   anyone Muni Jayghoshvijay returned back the pen to
           “How can I refuse when someone asks for it?” Finally   Gurudev  and  followed  the  condiƟ on  as  well  !!

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