Page 28 - Radium Story
P. 28


               Due  to  the  immense  grace  of  his  Guru,  Muni   you  going  to  the  next  house ??”  Muni  Jayghoshvijay
           Jayghoshvijayji  engrossed  himself  in  studying,  but   immediately  answered  “Even  aŌ er  taking  more  than
           serving  and  helping  others  was  his  inborn  trait...!!!  we  have  been  told  to,  I  can  guarantee  Gochari  will
               Once, in Thane, due to some health complicaƟ ons   not  suĸ  ce  to  everyone !!”
           Gurudev  Bhanuvijayji  was  advised  to  have  only  milk.   And really, Muni Jayghoshvijay served the saints
           At  that  Ɵ me,  there  were  almost  50  saints  staying   with  such  love  and  aī ecƟ on  that  addiƟ onal  Gochari
           together in Dada Gurudev’s divine presence. Inspite of   had  to  be  called  for!!
           a young age and less experience, Muni Jayghoshvijayji     Once  in  Gurudev  Bhanuvijay’s  holy  presence,
           took the iniƟ aƟ ve, “I only should get this opportunity   occurred  an  incident  which  would  deÞ nitely  reduce,
           of  bringing  milk  for  Gurudev!!”                  if  not  rub  our  aī ecƟ on  for  co-sadhus  if  we  were  in

               At that Ɵ me, not many Jains resided around the   place  of  Muni  Jayghoshvijay.
           Thane  upashray.  Therefore,  daily  Muni  Jayghoshvijay   It  so  happened  that  Gochari  was  considerably
           used to go for Gochari almost 1.25 miles from there,   more than required and the Þ nger was pointed towards
           and  came  back.  Balmuni  enthusiasƟ cally  did  this   Muni  Jayghoshvijay.  The  incident  reached  Gurudev’s
           everyday  for  1 ½  months!!                         ears.  Gurudev  scolded  Muni  Jayghoshvijay  and  asked
               Just  as  Muni  Jayghoshvijay  would  not  leave  any   him  to  apologize  to  everyone  for  the  inconvenience
           work  incomplete  similarly  he  did  not  like  things  to   caused by him. Without any hesitaƟ on and explanaƟ on
           be  inadequate.                                      Muni  Jayghoshvijay  at  once  accepted  his  mistake
               He would get almost double the Gochari that he   (!)  and  sought  forgiveness  by  saying  “Michchha  mi
           was  supposed  to  get  but  his  heart  was  overß owing   Dukkadam”.
           with  so  much  aī ecƟ on  for  his  co-sadhus  that  the   At night, the saint who managed the Gochari was
           Gochari  never  exceeded  the    Þ nal  requirement  or   pondering over whom to send for Gochari the next day.
           proved  excessive.!!                                 While  organising  he  realized  that  Muni  Jayghoshvijay
               Once Muni Jayghoshvijay went for Gochari along   didn’t  go  out  for  Gochari  today !!!
           with  Muni  Pundrikvijay.  Both  of  them  got  suĸ  cient   AccepƟ ng the mistake when you are in the wrong
           Gochari  according  to  the  calculaƟ on.  Even  aŌ er  that   box  is  not  such  a  big  deal  but  readily  accepƟ ng  and
           Muni  Jayghoshvijay  went  forward  to  the  next  house.   apologising  when  you  aren’t  in  fault  was  the  unique
           Muni Pundrikvijay told him.” O noble one ! according   quality  Muni  Jayghoshvijayji  treasured !!
           to  the  calculaƟ on,  we  have  got  enough.  So  why  are   ‘LET  GO’  is  his  Life-Mantra...

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