Page 34 - Radium Story
P. 34


               Even  today,  in  5th  Era  (Kalyug)    Pujyapadshree   the  ceremonies  added  load  on  the  daily  chores.
           portraits an incredible fusion of priceless qualiƟ es and   I  got  free  at  2.00  p.m.  I  took  my  Kambli  –  Dando
           unbeatable  Punya.  Due  to  which  –                and went to Pujyashree to seek permission to go for
               Even  the  ordinary  becomes  extraordinary,     worship  of  Lord  Jayvallabh  Parshwanath.
               The  natural  becomes  super-natural                  “You  are  too  Ɵ red  today,  take  a  short  nap.”
               The  impossible  becomes  possible!!             Pujyashee  said.
           SomeƟ mes, casually spoken words creates wonders.         “Yeah  !  But  I  will  miss  my  todays  worship.”
           Miracle if you accept it !!!!! Mishap if you deny it !!!!!  I  answered.
               Throwing  light  upon  a  marvellous  miracle  :-     “Fine  then,  proceed...”  was  Pujyashree’s  casual
               The  100  years  celebraƟ on  of  Gurudev  Bhuvan-
           bhanusuri  Maharaja's  birth  was  going  on  and  Muni   In  this  short  conversaƟ on  I  couldn’t  understand
           Kalpabhushanvijayji  (approx  72  years)  came  to  Pujya   the  actual  meaning  and  importance  of  'Þ ne  then'.
           GachchhadhipaƟ   to  take  Pachchhakhan  of  1  Upvas.  Something  was  not  Þ ne!!
               Pujyashree exclaimed, “Why just 1 upvas?? Why         While  climbing  down  at  approx  4.00  p.m.  I  was
           not  do  the  enƟ re  Maskhaman  (3o  upvas)??”      struck  with  a  4°  fever!!  That  was  the  end  of  all  my
               The  same  saint  for  whom  even  an  athama  was
           on arduous task completed not only 30 but 36 upvas        The  misfortunate  mishap !!
           without  any  sort  of  help  or  support,  as  if  it  was  a   A  magical  event  (in  our  percepƟ on)  from  his  lifeര-
           child's  play,!!                                          AŌ er the praƟ shtha, Pujyashree proceeded towards
               Coming  to  the  other  side  of  the  coin  –   Mumbai.  When  we  reached  the  Vihar  Dham  aŌ er  a
               The  place  was  an  ancient  pilgrim  place  –   long Vihar of 13 kms from Vadgaon to Tandulvadi an
           Kumbhojgiri-Maharashtra.                             unexpected  incident  stunned  one  and  all.
               The  occasion  was  praƟ shtha  of  parmatma  in  a   As soon as Pujyashree got down from his wheel
           newly created steamer shaped temple on the taleƟ  of   chair  reaching  the  desƟ naƟ on,  the  rear  leŌ   wheel
           the mountain in Pujashree's pious presence. We were   suddenly  came  apart  from  the  wheel  chair,  losing
           staying  in  Upashray  at  the  taleƟ .  The  main  deity  –  balance,  it  tumbled  down!!
           Lord  Jagvallabha  Parshwanath  was  on  the  top  of     The wheel chair on which a non-stop journey of
           the  hill.  Our  proposed  stay  there  was  almost  for   2 1/2 hours was carried out was absolutely intact Ɵ ll
           15 days. Out of devoƟ on for Jagvallabha Parshwanath,   Pujyashree was siƫ  ng but surprisingly tumbled down
           I mentally decided to not let a single day go without   in  an  instant  aŌ er  Pujyashree  got  down!!
           worshipping  Lord  Jagvallabha  Parshwanath.              The obvious conclusion  :  The wheel was standing
               It  went  well  iniƟ ally  but  aŌ er  3-4days  the   on  the  support  of  Pujayshree's  Pure  Punya !!
           PraƟ shtha  funcƟ ons  began.  On  the  Þ rst  day  itself,
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