Page 36 - Radium Story
P. 36


               The  neem  is  biƩ er  while  the  mango,  sweet.     Just a few days back, a Tapasvi Panyas saint wrote
           Right  Ɵ ll  the  fruit  dries,  it  does  not  leave  its  basic   a  leƩ er  to  Pujyashree  describing  the  innumerable
           aƩ ribute.  From  the  mischievous  Jawahar  to  the   favours bestowed by him in the iniƟ al stage of Diksha.
           mighty  Jayghoshsurishwarjee  Maharaja….Right  from   The  leƩ er  read,  “In  the  2nd  year  of  Diksha  I  wanted
           the  liƩ le  seed  to  the  ripened  fruit,  his  nature  was   the  valuable  Matka  silk  Kamali  and  you  generously
           constant  :  Aī ecƟ on...                            handed  it  over  to  me.  You  overlooked  many  of  my
               It was the ceremony of the Acharya Padvi of Pujya   major mistakes and did not noƟ fy Gurudev about it.”
           Bhanuvijayji  in  Ahmedabad.  The  Dansoori  Gyanshala    On the other hand, Pujyashree just sent the copy
           Upashray was burstling with Sadhu Bhagvants. Everyone   of Aagam Sootra ‘Acharang’ to a digniÞ ed Acharya for
           was occupied in the celebraƟ on. When Gurudev was    reading,  aƩ aching  a  note  which  read  “Just  because
           being handed over the reigns of this supreme Shasana,   you  are  at  the  post  of  an  Acharya  does  not  mean
           when  Panyas  Bhanuvijayji  was  declared  Acharya   you  shouldn’t  read  Acharang.  Everyone  needs  to  be
           Bhuvanbhanusuriji  and  when  his  enƟ re  disciple  clan   alert and progress spiritually which can be gained by
           and the whole audience was cheering for him, greeƟ ng   reading  such  scriptures.”
           him,  there  was  one  saint  in  the  Upashray  who  was   Such  a  high  honourable  post!!  But  not  at  all
           whole-heartedly engrossed in the service of all other   higher  than  his  aī ecƟ on.
           saints.  He  quietly,  single  handedly  carried  almost  40
                                                                     “The  river  of  aī ecƟ on  ß owing  from  a  Guru’s
           pots  of  water  on  the  fourth  ß oor,  cooled  them  and
                                                                heart  has  no  shore  !!”
           Þ lled  them  in  clay  pots.  He  was  Muni  Jayghoshvijay.
                                                                     This quote is absolutely apt for Pujyashree. Many
               A  similar  event  occurred  during  his  own  Panyas
                                                                a  Ɵ mes  it  so  happens  that  just  when  Pujyashree  sits
                                                                for  meditaƟ on,  opens  his  Surimantra  Pat,  completes
               All  the  saints  had  already  taken  their  posiƟ ons   all the pre-rituals and is about to start his meditaƟ on,
           for  having  Gochari  in  the  leadership  of  Acharya    at that moment if some young saint comes to him for
           Ramsurishwarjee  Maharaja.  The  Gochari  had  already   some work, without hesitaƟ on he would immediately
           come  but  water  pots  were  missing.  When  this  came   stop his meditaƟ on and give full aƩ enƟ  on to the saint.
           to  Jayghoshvijay’s  noƟ ce,  he  silently  got  a  big  pot  of   He would say “This Pat and Navkarvali has the Panch
           water himself and kept it near the door. To ensure that   Parmeshthi  established  in  it  but  the  saint  is  a  live
           no one come to know about this, he guided another    Parmeshthi.  If  I  disrespect  live  Parmeshthi  then  how
           young  saint  to  get  the  water  pot  inside.      can I successfully mediate and please the established
               He tries his level best to fulÞ l the desires of even   Parmeshthi  on  the  Pat?
           the  youngest  saint  and  is  also  concerned  about  the   Carve  the  Pujyashree’s  belief  on  your  heart,
           spiritual  progress  of  Great  Acharyas.
                                                                     “Live  Parmeshthi  is  live  scriptures  itself !!”
                                                  RADIUM     36    JUBILEE
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