Page 40 - Radium Story
P. 40


           GACHCHHADHIPATI !!!

               Unmoved in the various impacƞ ul occasions and        In V.S. 2049, Gurudev Bhuvanbhanusuri Maharaja
           complex  tasks  of  Jinshasana  with  his  wide-spread   leŌ  this world. Immediately following Dada Gurudev's
           branches of disciples, this enormous banyan tree like   “will”  Pujya  Chandrashekarvijay  Maharaja  declared
           Suvishal  GachchhadhipaƟ ’s  roots  were  surely  sowed   Acharya  Jayghoshsuri  as  an  unbeatable  head  of  the
           years  back.                                         Samuday.  Inspite  of  being  a  capable  leader  himself,
                                                                he stayed under Pujya GachchhadhipaƟ  as a devoted
               The present blossomed banyan's origin lies in the
                                                                disciple  Ɵ ll  his  last  breath.
           year V.S. 2020. Pujya Dada Gurudev made a “will” for
                                                                     Generosity, maturity, wisdom, whole-heart-edness,
           eĸ  cient management of his ever-growing Samuday. He
                                                                broad-mindedness  and  the  capability  to  take  quick
           sketched  an  outline  for  the  welfare  of  the  Samuday-
                                                                and appropriate decisions when required-due to many
           Sangha  and  Shasana...  What  a  visionary!!
                                                                such qualiƟ es, even his Guru Brothers (disciples of the
               The V.S. 2020's “will” included 2 important clauses
                                                                same  Guru)  looked  upon  him  as  a  Guru.
           paving  the  way  for  a  bright  future.  It  stated
                                                                     Inspite of such a high post, his humility, simplicity,
               1. Seek advise of Muni Jayghoshvijay for quesƟ ons   modesty and overß owing aī ecƟ on for his disciples is
           and  doubts  related  to  the  Aagamas.              heart-touching.  He  has  mastered  the  art  of  gulping
               2. AŌ er  Pujya  Bhanuvijay,  hand  over  the  reigns   down everyone's weakness and mistakes. He has bound
           of  the  Samuday  to  Muni  Jayghoshvijay.           together the enƟ re Samuday of by a single thread with
               Pujya  Dada  Gurudev's  accurate  judgement  and   such Þ nesse that, even aŌ er many years and decades
           Muni  Jayghoshvijay  –  the  original  Jawahar's  deep   it  has  remained  intact  and  will  never  come  apart  !!
           internal  glow !!,  shined  and  sparkled  bright,  50  years   He  has  completely  lived  upto  the  responsibility
           back  when  he  was  28  and  Diksha  period  was  of  14   of  protecƟ on  of  this  Samuday  handed  over  to    him
           years!!  Not  only  this,  with  just  the  Diksha  span  of   by  Pujya  Gurudev  and  Pujya  Dada  Gurudev...  Under
           19  years,  he  was  conferred  with  the  supreme  right   his leadership, the Samuday is not only protected but
           of  giving  ‘Prayashchita’  to  Sadhus.              has  also  progressed  immensly.
                                                                     Commencing  with  the  approx  250  saints  when
               Pujya Hemchandrasuri Maharaja once remarked,
                                                                he  became  the  GachchhadhipaƟ ,  under  his  able
           “Even  if  we  happen  to  noƟ ce  2-3  faults  in  some  of
                                                                leadership and powerful Punya, it ß ourished by leaps
           our fellow saint, our respects breaks like glass pieces.
                                                                and  bounds...  the  Þ gure  reaching  527  today !
           Imagine our GachchhadhipaƟ  who knows the internal-
                                                                     By  reading  and  digesƟ ng  the  scriptures,  he
           external  event  and  faults  of  500  sadhus  and  sƟ ll
                                                                jusƟ Þ ed  the  Ɵ tle  'Siddhant  Diwakar'
           visualises  live  Parmeshthi  in  each  of  them !!  Zenith
                                                                     By  protecƟ ng  and  progressing  the  Samuday  he
           of  depth  and  dignity !!”
                                                                lived  upto  his  Ɵ tle  'Suvishal  GachchhadhipaƟ .'
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