Page 38 - Radium Story
P. 38


               The  light  house  of  knowledge,  Power  house  of   Be it criƟ cism or appreciaƟ on, he is the same. He
           faith,  Wisest  of  the  wise,  Head  of  527  Shadhus.   has  mastered  the  art  of  ignoring  criƟ cism  and  being
               A  heavy  impact  but  a  personality  as  light  as  a   indiī erent  to  appreciaƟ on.
           feather !!                                                A river ß owing on two sides of a city is considered
               Many  Ɵ mes  he  has  to  aƩ end  back-to-back   a sign of progress and prosperity. Similarly overß owing
           ceremonies  &  gatherings.                           with Virtues and Punya on both banks – internal and
                                                                external,  Pujyashree's  presence  marks  the  progress
               It  is  quite  understood  that  the  one  whose  best
                                                                and  prosperity  of  the  present  Jinshasana.
           friend  was  only  sacred  scriptures  for  40  long  years
           cannot  digest  this  change  in  an  instance,  but  it  has   Pujyashree's  life  reminds  us  of  a  verse  from
           been  23  years,  yet  Pujyashree  cannot  get  set  to  the   "Gyansar"  which  means  –  “The  one  readily  leaves
           change !! But it does not mean he got 'upset'. He has   the  internal  and  external  accumulaƟ on  of  sensual
           a posiƟ ve outlook which enables him to stay relaxed   pleasures  and  vices  like  an  insigniÞ cant  blade  of
           in  all  situaƟ ons ...                              grass  and  remains  indiī erent  to  worldly  aī airs...  he
                                                                is  served  all  over  !!”
               Alongwith  non-stop  upscale  festivities,
           Anjanshalakas,  Pratishthas,  Dikshas,  being  a          ConƟ nuously  immersed  in  the  deep  vast  world
           GachchhadhipaƟ   of  527  shadhus,  he  also  has  to  pay   of  scriptures - its  reading,  contemplating  and
           personal  aƩ enƟ on  to  the  overall  development  of   reß ecƟ ng  Pujyashree's  personality  is  reß ected  in
           each  and  every  saint  by  giving  them  Ɵ mely  advice   this verse. One thing is crystal clear - only the one who
           and  instrucƟ ons,  necessary  punishment  to  atone  for   can selß essly leave everything can obtain everything !!!"
           their  sins  and  purify  their  soul.  Amidst  so  many   On  the  peak  of  external  prosperity  and  success
           responsibiliƟ es and a Ɵ ght schedule, he never becomes   even  today  every  morning  Pujyashree  Þ rst  revises
           anxious  or  losses  his  temper  !!                 the  20  stanzas  of  enƟ re  Vitrag  Sootra  (Approx
               His  face   –  always  radiaƟ ng  happiness.     189 verses) and there aŌ er commences his daily chores.
               His  tongue  –  always  spreading  sweetness.         Once  a  week  he  would  revise  the  approx  700
                                                                verses  of  Aagam  sootra,  “Dashavaikalika”.
               His  eyes   –  always  sparkling  with  kindness...
                                                                     A  melƟ ng  pot  of  overß owing  aī ecƟ on  and
               Just as a man walking on a bridge merely passes
                                                                absolute  indiī erence...
           over  the  water  without  geƫ  ng  wet,  similarly  any
           incident,  be  it  good  or  bad  would  not  aī ect  him.
           Infact,  not  even  touch  him.  He  has  lived  over  and
           above  each  of  these  external  occurrings.

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