Page 20 - Radium Story
P. 20



               Years  passed  since  Muni  Jayghoshvijay  did  the   Without any prior preparaƟ on, Muni Jayghoshvijay
           3  days  ‘Namo  Jinanam  Jiya  bhayanam’  meditaƟ on.   informed  the  Mantrik  “You  meditate  your  mantra.  I
           In accordance with the indicaƟ on he received during   will meditate mine. You have exactly 15 minutes. You
           the  meditaƟ on,  he  engaged  himself  completely  in   have  complete  freedom  to  do  any  experiments  you
           DevoƟ on,  DedicaƟ on  and  Studies.  He  commenced  a   want  on  me!”
           long journey from the iniƟ al stage of “Yogsadhak” to     They  closed  the  door  of  the  room  and  began
           “Siddhayogi”                                         their own experiments. On one hand, the Mantrik had
               Jinvachan  were  ß owing  in  his  blood,  playing  on   the  power  of  the  Mantras  he  had  been  meditaƟ ng
           his tongue and were engraved on his heart. Engrossed   since  years  and  on  the  other,  Munishri  possessed
           and  immersed  in  the  vast  ocean  of  Jinvachan  it  is   the  unmovable  faith  on  the  Navkar  Mantra.  One
           rightly  wriƩ en  for  him  –                        had  toiled  hard  and  had  taken  the  mantras  in  his
             "NÃR>p^ui  S>eOp¡j  k|fuðf,  ipõÓp¡  kOmp  Æ‹p  ^pf¡,  control  while  the  other  was  completely  dedicated
           ipõÓ  kd„v$f  ‘pf  L$fu“¡,  õhe„  bÞep  îyskpNf  ÅZ¡.......'  to  the  Mahamantra  Navkar  with  his  undeterred
               It  means  –  Head  of  order  GachchhadhipaƟ
           Jayghoshsurishwar,  all  the  scriptures  lay  on  the  Ɵ p   At  the  14th  minute,  Ɵ red  and  exhausted,  the
           of his tongue... Savouring the vast sea of knowledge,   Mantrik accepted defeat and exclaimed  :  “Surely, you
           he  himself  became  an  ocean  of  knowledge...     are  shielded  by  some  strong  mantra  to  which  all  my
                                                                mantras  failed.  None  of  them  could  show  any  eī ect
               His existence bloomed with the constant fragrance
                                                                on  you".  In  reality,  all  Munishri  did,  was    meditate
           of  Jinvachan.  He  used  to  meditate  only  on  ‘Jin’  be  it
                                                                with  conÞ dence  and  concentraƟ on  on  the  Navkar
           ‘Namo Jinanam Jiya bhayanam’ or ‘Namo Arihantanam’.
               We are very well aware that ‘Navkar Mahamantra’
                                                                     Even  today,  aŌ er  becoming  GachchhadhipaƟ
           is the most powerful mantra in this universe. But how
                                                                (Head  of  approx  530  Sadhus)  he  meditates  only  on
           much faith do we have ? We know but do we believe ?
                                                                Surimantra  and  Navkar  Mahamantra.
               Once, it so happened that a ‘Mantrik’ came to Dada
                                                                     As  if  he  is  using  the  meditaƟ on  as  a  bridge
           Gurudev and was talking about his accomplishments’,
                                                                in  paving  his  way  from  the  posiƟ on  of  ‘Namo
           capabiliƟ es  and  success.
                                                                Aayariyanam’  to  ‘Namo  Arihantanam’!!!
               To  examine  him,  Dada  Gurudev  called    Muni
           Jayghoshvijay  to  listen  to  the  Mantrik’s  talks.

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