Page 23 - Fait Personified
P. 23

discussion, the saint woke up and glanced around. The saint’s
           gentle look completely melted them. Their evil intentions
           started pricking them like a thorn. They felt sorry for their
           actions and falling at the saint’s feet, asked for forgiveness.
           They cried, “O noble saint! Please forgive us. Driven by greed
           on someone’s orders, we were about to execute you. But your
           compassion towards the tiniest creatures, even in deep sleep

           took us aback. Our hands froze. How can a selfless saint like
           you ever hurt or harm someone? How can we kill such a
           noble ascetic? We are now retreating without harming you.
           Please forgive us for our evil intentions. But, yes! Please stay
           alert about that cruel man who hired us. God forbid, he

           appoints someone else to kill you....

                           Saint’s words of wisdom....

           “O great one! How will the caution from a mortal help when
           the mighty Karmasatta* is against you? In fact, even now if
           you would have murdered me, how would I have stopped

           you? I wouldn’t have even realized. Remember, death is certain.
           People like you are merely instrumental in its occurrence. It
           is only karma that is the actual cause. Thus, instead of fearing
           death, fear your karmas that cause it. You have to be cautious

           when these karmas come into action, so that they do not
           deprive you of your merits. Before this happens, get rid of
           your sins and vices by devotion towards the Almighty.”

           The saint further said, “O fortunate ones! Even you should

           *  Karmasatta – The Supreme Power of Karma.

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