Page 26 - Fait Personified
P. 26

Crib and complain? Have it as it is or add the required amount
           of sugar? If you just cannot have it as it and prefer to add
           sugar, you really need to think over and regret this action.
           Why can’t you tell yourself,” All I have to do is to fill my
           stomach. Why is my happiness dependent on non-living
           objects? Can a little salt or sugar make such a big difference?
           Can’t I overlook such a minor fault? I am a human. I eat to
           live and do not live to eat.”

           But those who fake spirituality will say, “This body (minus
           the soul) is non-living and so are the sugar or salt. Both are
           material objects and matter eats matter. They support each
           other as well, what does the eternal soul have to do with it?
           The soul is immortal and imperishable.

           Now, tell me. Can a person who thinks on these lines and is

           proud of his so-called deep spiritual realization ever accept
           his mistake and climb onto the right path? He does not believe
           in following the noble code of conduct and exercising religious
           activities like charity, celibacy, vigorous penance, etc. Thanks
           to the Kalyug, even innocent Jains get carried away by people
           who claim to preach the ultimate spiritual path ignoring the
           primary religious activities. In fact, they are in such awe of
           their “minute” narration and splendid foresight that
           everything else seems fake and false to them.

           In this way, some forget their supreme duties towards God
           and religion due to such false and vague talks of spirituality
           while others have sunk so deep in the vast ocean of illusion
           and ignorance that they have no time to consider religious

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