Page 28 - Fait Personified
P. 28

times in previous births but without any aim of non-
           attachment, resistance over temptations or salvation. Even
           while practicing monkhood, his sole aim was to attain more
           and more material luxuries and comforts. Then, how can his
           so-called noble conduct generate good thought?

           The same applies for gaining knowledge. You are supposed
           to study with the intention of suppressing your anger, lust,
           greed and pride. But if you gain deep knowledge of religious
           scriptures only with the intention of achieving fame and

           appreciation, how will such knowledge generate noble
           thoughts and purify your heart? Such knowledge will not
           lead to your soul’s progress; instead it will drown you further
           in the vast ocean of birth and death.

           Even celibacy should be practiced with the intention of
           developing hatred and dislike towards sexual relations and

           not to ensure good health in the long run or to reserve your
           place amidst reputed people. Such a deceptive act of celibacy
           cannot give the desired result even after a couple of decades
           of practicing it. Instead those who are not capable of practicing
           complete celibacy but try to develop dislike for such relations
           by constantly distracting the brain by reading good books
           and listening to religious discourses will surely move ahead

           and overcome their sexual desires some day.

           Coming back to the point, good activities inspire good
           thoughts only when negative counter-thoughts have not
           enveloped the mind and there is a desire to generate and

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