Page 74 - Fait Personified
P. 74


                             Power of Religion

           Thus, the one who takes the refuge of religion has heartfelt
           affection and esteem for other’s virtues. Who is responsible
           for this?? The religion preached by Omniscient Vitraga.

           Contemplating on the favours bestowed by religion, Sulsa

           firmly believes that –

              i) Only religion has the power to bless you with a child
                 because exercising religion increases your punya which
                 in turn fulfils your desires.

              ii) Because of religion people listen to you and even obey

             iii) Religion results in increase in wealth, good speech,

                 valour, charity, fortune, noble disposition, goodwill and

             ""bú_r… ñdJoho, dXZo M dmUr, em¡`ª M ~mhm¡, ñdH$ao M XmZ_²Ÿ&
               gm¡^m½`_L²>Jo, öX`o gwYrü, H$s{V©ü {XjyÁÁdbY_©V… ñ`mV² Ÿ&&''

             ""ao {MÎm ! IoX§ {H$_wn¡{f {ZË`§, ÑîQ²>dm@Ý`dñVy{Z _Zmoham{U ?
               Y_ª Hw$éîd `XrÀN>grîQ>§, Y_ª {dZm Z¡d g_r[hV§ ñ`mV² Ÿ&&''

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