Page 77 - Fait Personified
P. 77

and it even proved profitable to you. Why did it suddenly
           misfire this time? The reason is crystal clear – The strength of
           your Punya and the support of religion declined. The
           opponent did not intend to cheat or trouble you and in case
           even if he did, that too was due to the lack of punya.

           Focus on the force and impact of religion is the way to mental

           peace and composure.

           Focus on other secondary and trivial matters is sure to cause
           anxiety and disturb your mental peace.

           True religious outlook is the one which soothes you in adverse
           times, draws your attention towards the strength of religion
           and inspires you to increase it.

           “Religion is the ultimate donor and saviour. No one else can

           even compete with it.” Such deep faith in the force of religion
           increases your religious activities.

           1) “I should practice religion because it can provide me with
              wealth.”  Faith in religion should not increase by such
              thinking, because in such a thought process attachment
              towards wealth is prominent and it proves that you have
              faith in the significance of wealth and not religion. Once

              you attain your decided / desired wealth, you are bound
              to forgo religion.
           Instead, your thought process should work in this direction:-

           2) “Wealth can be attained only from religion.”

           There is a very thin line between the above two thoughts.

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