Page 79 - Fait Personified
P. 79

Now answer my question; those who possess such a materialistic
           mindset, can they give prominence to religion in their daily

           You consider business as your source of wealth and luxury
           and hence, there is no hesitation to walk on the path of lies
           and fraud while doing business.

           The major portion of your day ends up in business activities

           and the rest in eating, drinking and sleeping. Where is the
           time for religion? How much to spend in religious activity
           and charity?

           You believe healthy food and exercise to be your source of
           nourishment, then where is the place for Pratikraman? Is
           there any place for penance, control over senses, etc.? What
           if the body weakens?

           You believe that fame is received from nameplates and
           advertisements and thus they have occupied a prominent place
           in holy places like temples and upashrays. A long list of
           donors’ names is seen.

           Now visualise this:

           If the son is living a little away from his parents and gets some
           small repairs done in the parents’ home, will he put up a

           name plate declaring that this maintenance work is done by
           him? If he purchases new furniture for them, will he inscribe
           his name on it? Today, what nuisance are the so-called sons of
           Lord Mahavir up to?

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