Page 88 - Fait Personified
P. 88

Is there any comparison between a Devta’s and Human’s
           power? As the maid came closer to Sulsa, the Devta made the
           bottle fall from the maid’s hand. How can the maid withstand
           Devta’s miraculous power? Humans have no physical power
           equivalent to that of the Devtas, but on the spiritual plane

           humans can leave them far behind. And that is exactly what
           spiritually powerful Sulsa did!

           On the breaking of the 3  bottle, the maid burst into tears.
           She wept loudly, “How unfortunate and reckless I am that I
           broke 3 such bottles! How terrible is my state! I am truly
           worthless.” Her sobbing increased, “O God! Take me, I am

           not worthy of living here.”

                               Sulsa’s Condolence

           Sulsa lovingly comforted her, “Why do you cry and curse
           yourself in such trivial matters? Stop crying. I myself was not

           fortunate enough to give alms. Why else would the bottles
           break today!? My Antray Karmas* are showing their colours.
           You aren’t at fault. I am not at all disappointed with you. Till
           today I have had no issues with you and your work! But
           today my karmas are unfavourable. My Antray Karmas are in
           action and here neither yours, nor mine or God’s wish works.

           Relax! Just by the breakage of these bottles the world does
           not come to an end. So come out of the situation and get
           back to work.”

           *  Antray Karmas – The karmas which obstructs you from doing or
              attaining the desired.

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