Page 90 - Fait Personified
P. 90

anxiety due to the absence of a son. It reflected so much of
           faith that in her mind, the importance of a son was minimal
           because the birth of son is not capable to provide a better
           rebirth or salvation. In her mind, religion, right knowledge,
           right conduct, right understanding was of utmost prominence.
           And thus, in such a situation, wealth and health, family and
           friends did not hold any importance!

           Thus, at the time of giving alms to the saints, the loss of the
           precious oil meant losing the chance to donate, losing the
           chance to exercise her religious duties. Thus for an absolutely
           religious person like her, it was quite possible that she would
           get furious and disturbed. The problem that He created was
           no small one. Religion was the thing dearest to Sulsa and any
           obstruction in that was a great one. But Sulsa successfully
           passed the test without any distress or vexation.

                         Can’t you get angry or behave
                        rudely for the sake of religion ?

           Q.  It is a virtue if you do not get disturbed inspite of losing
           worldly benefits. But if you are losing out on religion and
           still do not take strict measures, can you consider it a virtue?
           A true religious person is bound to get disturbed.

           Ans. That’s true. But what can she do? Will her fury and

           distress help her in any way? And while doing so, what about
           her religious outlook? What about her faith in the Arihantas,
           her compassion and generosity? Do we have to be
           compassionate only towards the poor and needy? Don’t we

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