Page 93 - Fait Personified
P. 93

existence – Omniscience (Keval gyan) in spite of eating

              2) Sulsa – Her activity of giving alms to monk,
                 Supatradana got affected due to the breakage of glass
                 bottles, but it didn’t enrage her because her internal
                 religious outlook was in place. Due to it, she successfully

                 passed the Devta’s test. Impressed by her faith, the
                 Devta gave her a boon.

           Let’s ponder over the nature of religious outlook that both of
           them possessed.

           Kurgadu Muni’s religious outlook

           He was remorseful about his inability to fast. However, this
           does not mean that, attributing his inability to his past karmas,

           he considered himself helpless and used it as an excuse to
           keep feasting all day. Instead, not succumbing to his taste
           and temptations he decided to have only a pot full of kura-
           rice once a day and thus he became famous as Kuragadu

           Now reflect upon yourself –

           On some tithi or holy day, due to some reason, you aren’t
           able to fast. That doesn’t mean that you can now eat all that

           you want, any number of times, at any time. Is this the religious
           outlook? Just because of a minor headache or stomach ache,
           you do not fast; that is still justified, but then no control over
           temptations, no compromise in your food. How wll you justify

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