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magical effect on people from all walks of life. In a short span of
                    ABOUT THE AUTHOR                                                   5 years, as many as 35 youngsters from affluent families of
                                                                                       Mumbai  renounced  the  material  world  and  accepted
                 “Jain Acharya Param Pujya Bhuvanbhanu                                         He started a weekly magazine, Divya-Darshan, in 1952,
                            Surishwarji Maharaj"                                       which was published for 42 years.

                                                                                               Using his knowledge, logic, intelligence and convincing
                                                                                       power, he was even successful in changing the thought process
               A clairvoyant, academic genius, profound thinker, skilful
        orator, versa le writer, incredible mentor of approximately 250                of a former Prime Minister of India on the subject of "Child
        disciples, great sage, and above all, humble devotee of Lord
                                                                                               He invented the innova ve concept of "Shibir" (youth
        Mahavira and his religious order.
                                                                                       camps). These camps played a pivotal role in increasing the
               Surishwarji  was  instrumental  in  bringing  about  a
        revolu on  in  Jainism  during  the  early  20th  century.  His                faith of the younger genera on in religion, thereby providing
                                                                                       them with a progressively sa sfied and happy life.
        effec ve skills and sight, impac ul words and acts shook the
                                                                                               There  are  no  appropriate  words  to  describe  the
        youth and brought their fast-paced worldly life to a momentary
                                                                                       transforma on brought about by this legend in the first decade
        halt. A halt to think, reflect and contemplate upon where their
        current lifestyle was leading them...                                          of the 20th century. Looking at his life, we understand that he
                                                                                       lived many lives in one. He was not a jack of all trades but a
               Surishwarji had acquired the pres gious GDA degree                      master of all.
        (Government Diploma in Accoun ng, equivalent to the current
                                                                                               His  unmatched  asce c  legacy  is  now  under  the  able
        Chartered Accountants degree in India) of London. Therea er,
                                                                                       leadership  of  Gachchādhipa   Āchārya  Shri  Jayghośh
        he  renounced  the  material  world  and  accepted  Jain
        monkhood.                                                                      Sūriswarji, who heads the world's largest and most reputed
                                                                                       group of Jain monks.
               Along  with  following  the  strict  code  of  conduct  of
        Jainism, he sunk into the endless ocean of Jain literature.

               He  was  a  renowned  scholar  of  Prakrit,  Sanskrit  and
        Gujara , and had mastered every aspect of Indian philosophy.
               A er years of in-depth study of Jain scriptures, he could
        explain advanced concepts of philosophy in lucid language to
        the masses.
               His  mo va ng  and  heart-rending  sermons  created  a

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