P. 6

CONTENT                                                                   1. Mr. Soulomon Patel

          1.  Mr. Soulomon Patel......................................... 11

          2.  Blind Race....................................................... 26

          3.  The Diamond Necklace................................... 33

          4.   Two  Americans..............................................  44
                                                                                               Life  is  a  puzzling  riddle!  A  burning  enigma!  A  big
          5.  Piteous Outcome of Greed............................. 59                 ques on mark for most of the worldly people. They put 'on'
                                                                                       their   ny  intellects  to  solve  L.I.F.E.  But  can  a  spoon  ever
          6.  Vain Advice.................................................... 75       measure a mighty ocean? No, so come, sit in the submarine of
                                                                                       the  present  story  rich  with  giant  enlightened  wisdom  and
          7.   Selfish  World.................................................  85      explore all the boundaries of life ocean. This story explicitly
                                                                                       clarifies the muddy picture of life as to whether life is fun? Or life
          8.  Bi er Outcome of Extrovert Outlook............. 106                      is a challenge?
                                                                                               Karma rules and rocks the world. Karma has set several

          9. Chambuji Chappaniyawala............................ 115                   fun traps in all the four life phases viz. child age-teenage-youth
                                                                                       and old age. People under the influence of karma understand
          Appendix  1  :  Reminiscences  of  Past  Life  :  A  True                    that life is fun. But actually, life is a challenge. The challenge
                                                                                       according to the 'Enlighteneds' is to pack your life bags with
                                    Incident  of  Siddharaj  Daddha..  150             spiritual wealth without a bit a racted to the fun traps in the
                                                                                       short dura on of life.
                                                                                               The main character of the story is Mr. Soulomon Patel.
                                                                                       Through this comic character, Reverend Gurudevshri has very
                                                                                       well painted the thought portrait of all the worldly souls with
                                                                                       his magic brush of wisdom. This story strives to awaken the
                                                                                       sleeping soul, make aware of the prime duty of human life
                                                                                       and make alert of the deceiving fun traps.
                                                                                               So by reading this story and let's be awake, aware and
                                                                                       alert in the life challenge and fetch the reward of incredible

         10                                                                              Mr. Soulomon Patel                                          11
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