P. 7

Once  upon  a   me,  in  a  city  there  lived  a  merchant             Soulomon Patel! He isn't aware 'This merchant is a far-wi y
        named  ''  Clever  karma''.  His  overcrowded  shop  with  a                   business tycoon and a world-trapper. He holds the whole world
        brimming queue of customers made him very rich. He had                         in his  ght catch. He is just out of limits for a villager like him'.
        ini ally  started  the  business  at  a  very  small  scale  on  the
        strength of loans. But slowly and gradually, he earned more                            Mr  Patel  walked  in  the  merchant's  shop  and  started
        and more money, making himself wealthy and affluent. Right in                    some leisure talks with the merchant. When both burst into
        the  middle  of  the  city,  he  erected  a  grand  and  charisma c            laughter,  he  sought  the  opportunity  and  asked  him  in  a
        bungalow for him. Haughty “Clever karma”, intoxicated by the                   humorous tone, “Listen, Clever karma merchant! If you allow
        pride of wealth, walked an inch above the ground. He used his                  me to take as much things as I can from your bungalow, shop
        wealth-force to deceive and cheat others and in turn earn more
        money. Now grabbed in the clutches of wealth, he lost the                      etc. from morning to evening, then I'm ready to do whatever
        courage to safeguard the values and virtues.                                   you say.”
                                                                                               Merchant said, “What are you saying, Mr Patel? Do you
               Really, the craving for worldly pleasures makes a man
                                                                                       want  to  make  me  a  beggar?  A er  you  take  away  all  my
        weak and feeble. The madness for money and tempta on for
                                                                                       valuables, what would I be able to do!” Mr Patel ridiculed,
        sensual pleasures like bungalow etc. makes him forget the
                                                                                       “What happened? You got afraid? The world calls you a super
        prime  and  prominent  duty  of  human  life.  Due  to  lack  of
        courage,  he  gets  mesmerised  and  slipped  in  sensually                    wise person! Where has your wisdom escaped? Why did you
        favourable condi ons. He becomes incapable of developing                       stop answering? Think for a way around. Say, what would you
        the  courage  to  follow  virtues  like  abs nence,  penance,                  like?” Merchant snapped back, “ Mr Soulomon Patel, is it so?
        celibacy, noble character, truth, honesty etc.                                 Then listen carefully, I accept it, but in return, you'll have to
                                                                                       stay here becoming my life-long slave with your family. Do you
               Once, a Patel from a neighbouring village came to this
                                                                                       accept this?”
        city. His name was 'Soulomon Patel'He roamed in this city and
                                                                                               For  a  moment,  Mr  Patel  was  taken  aback,  “What?
        looked  and  gazed  at  various  a rac ons  of  the  market.
                                                                                       Lifelong slavery?” But immediately a consoling thought struck
        Gradually, Mr Patel reached the city square and suddenly his
        eyes  went  on  the  magnificent  bungalow  of  Clever  Karma                   to this worm of wealth. He thought “Once let me empty his
                                                                                       treasure and fill my house. A er that, let him make me his
        merchant. “Oh!” he got astonished and amazed looking at the
        fabulous beauty. In the mean me, chitcha ng with the city                      slave, I am ready to stay. But when he would be gasping for
        folks,  he  heard  some  praises  of  Clever  Karma  “This  great              even a single morsel, then how  would he be able to lend us
        grandeur is the product and proof of his unusual skill and talent              food and salary?
        that  made  him  swoop  from  'rags'  to  'riches'“Mr  Patel  then                     On the contrary, he'll have to beg from us. At that  me, I
        thought in his mind “Oh! Is that so? He is so clever and wise! Till            would myself make him my slave because he won't be able to
                                                                                       ask me for my wealth. Because I alone would be his slave, not
        now  he  fooled  many,  but  today  I'll  trick  him  and  show  my
                                                                                       my wealth.”
        might” See the  des of thoughts arising in the mind-sea of Mr
         12                                                                              Mr. Soulomon Patel                                          13
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