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Mr. Patel got happy building castles in the air. He replied                     Finally,  the  day  arrived.  Mr  Solomon  reached  the
        with confirma on “Yes, yes! I accept to become your slave. But                  merchant's bungalow with mega size bedsheets before even
        you would have to respec ully allow me to take away your                       sunrise,  As  the  sun  rose,  he  was  permi ed  inside.  He  saw
        crores  of  wealth  and  other  valuable  items.  What?  Do  you               smiling and cheerful people welcoming him at the doors.
        understand? respec ully?” Merchant replied. “Yes, my friend!                           “Oh!  Mr  Soulomon  Patel  you  are  welcome!  It  is  our
        Sure with due respect and honour.”                                             extreme pleasure! You have enriched our poor men's place!”
               The deal was finalized in the witness of a body of five                   The atmosphere turned extremely ecsta c by the melodies
        arbitrators. The day was selected when Merchant Clever Karma                   notes, from the cuckoo sweet voice of nymph-like charming
        would have to keep all his wealth and jewellery in his bungalow                girls. Mr Patel was so very much a racted. He slipped from his
        and shop. Mr Soloumon Patel would be allowed to take as                        senses. It loosed his firmness and hurry of packing and  eing up
        much as he can from sunrise to sunset. On the next day, Mr                     the valuable items on the very first minute of sunrise. This
        Patel would have to come to the merchant's feet with his whole                 doesn't mean, he reversed and changed his thoughts. He just
        family for slavery.                                                            got a bit immersed in the welcome song and music. There, the
               Think and say, who seems smart in this bet and who                      a rac ve angels con nued, “Oh! How sweet is your face! We
        looks stupid? Look, don't has ly give any decision. Mr.Patel has               feel like just staring at your face! S ll, these eyes are thirsty and
        got one full day to carry away all the cash and jewellery. A er                uncontended. What an a rac on and en cement! We pray for
        that, imagine the pi ful plight of that merchant! On the other                 million  mes, you prosper and live long.” Saying so, they began
        side, the merchant would get right to boss on Mr Patel, the                    to  caress  his  face-legs  and  hands  with  their  bu er-like  so
        whole life. Not only on him but over his en re family! A er                    hands. They began to kiss Mr Patel's hands with their tender
        being trapped in the net of slavery along with the en re family                lips. They brought him inside the bungalow and then pleaded
        how would he pass the sorrowful state? But here let's see, who                 him wholeheartedly to have some breakfast if he wished. Mr
        gets tricked and who becomes the trickster!                                    Patel thought, “S ll much  me is le , while here the welcome
               The  merchant  adorned  and  decorated  the  bungalow                   and  service  is  superb  and  splendid!  See  they  are  so  very
        before the decided date. He filled all the lockers and safes,                   enthusias c and emo onal, then let it be!.” Thinking so, he
        cupboards  and  treasures  chests  with  money-bundles  and                    didn't stopped them. And there the angels started feeding him
        ornaments. He locked them and hanged the keys over there so                    mouth-watering dishes with their so  hands. While some girls
        that Mr Patel can open and happily take away the goodies with                  were singing sweet songs! Some others were fondling his body!
        him, as per the contract. He also kept a caring staff of men and                How can Mr Patel escape from this!
        women for his warm welcome and luxurious hospitality. He                               Time was swi ly passing away, Mr Patel now got alert
        also stuffed the bungalow with several other ameni es for his                   and ac ve, “Oh, I want to grab off crores of wealth and from
        comfort.                                                                       that short  me, this  me is slipping off from my hand”. Looking

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