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the a rac ve, playful toys made him forget to pack the bags                    helping me to a ain salva on (Moksha) in future. I would
        with spiritual cash.                                                           have  accomplished  my  aims”.  At  the   me  of  death,  he
               On the first floor of teenage, he got various delicacies                  regre ed  too  much  seeing  this  spiritual  jewellery  worth
        with love and affec on from his family. Also, he got to see                     billions vanishing away from his eyes. He deeply regre ed!
        beau ful pictures and ar s c an ques. He got a formal worldly                          But what could be done then? It was too late. Even if the
        educa on. He didn't sense the  me passing by. In between,                      soul wants to wipe off his sins and earn good merits at the  me
        Gurus inspired him to pack the bags with good merits. But                      of sunset of death. Who would let him do? It is not in the hands
        who  was  going  to  listen?  Mr.  Soulomon  Patel  was  so  lost,             of anyone. Karma clearly declines to do so. And finally, Mr
        immersed in the tastes of school, sports, games and cheap                      Soulomon Patel departs to get roasted in the burning furnace
        curiosi es of outer world!                                                     of terrible pains and miseries in the sorrowful life forms in the
               Then the soul entered the second floor of youth, where                   slavery of karma. Sufferings of innumerable years result from
        the fire of lust enraged. So he got trapped and infatuated in                   just a day of human life! Merit lends comforts and facili es to
        their  gra fying  looks,  piggery  play  and  flirta on!  Aren't  we            the  soul  to  earn  spiritual  cash  but  the  trap  in  the  varied
        aware  of  the  dreadful  shadow  and  outcome  of  lus ul                     a rac on  of  childhood-teenage-youth  and  old  age  state,
        rela ons?  Even  celes al  gods  slip  in  this!  Also  one  gets              Guru's warning 'Mr. Patel, pack the jewellery in your bags' even
        pleasures of dance and music, wine and vodka etc. in youth.                    the  midst  of  all  these  a rac ons,  the  soul's  carelessness
        Then what is surprising if he becomes deaf and considers the                   towards  it,  finally  the  karma's  punishment  etc.  should  be
        warning of packing bags by the Gurus to be u erly useless and                  properly  understood.  For  this,  recollect  the  story  again,
        as a result becomes senseless?                                                 minutely contempla ng on the secret of each le er.
               Then he climbed on the third floor of old age. Sweet
        music,  so   ma ress,  cute  grandchildren  etc.  very  much
        a racted his mind. He didn't hear the warning given by the
        Gurus. Even in the last moments, on the verge of the sunset of
        the death, he failed to collect the jewellery of spirituality.
               And there the sunset of death appeared and Patel got
        shocked! He repented “If I hadn't fallen in the ditch of sensual
        pleasures and followed religious prac ces of charity, chas ty,
        penance and noble feelings and more grave spiritual prac ce
        of  non-injury,  self-restraint  and  penance.  I  would  have
        curtailed  and  destroyed  heaps  of  sins.  Then  I  would  have
        obtained heavenly pleasures of billions of years and merits

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