P. 14

2. Blind Race                                                  This story is narrated according to an incident read in a
                                                                                               A priest lived beside the home of a po er. He regularly
                                                                                       recited the 'Gayatri hymn' in the morning. Coincidentally, the
                                                                                       donkey  ed beside in the po er's compound also brayed at the
                                                                                       same  me. The donkey was named “Jogiyo”. He must have got
                                                                                       such a name from somewhere! One day he brayed, even on the
                                                                                       second day he brayed and on the third day also he brayed……
                                                                                       and  everyday  donkey  brayed.  Looking  at  this,  the  priest
                                                                                       thought, “He is so interested in the Gayatri hymn. Therefore, he
                                                                                       seems to be spiritually advanced being. He must have made
               Ugly  fashion,  immoral  educa on,  English                             good spiritual earnings in his previous life” and the donkey
        communica on, money mania are the evident current global                       con nued braying a number of days.
        illustra ons of foolish blind race. 'Celebrity wears is a fashion'                     One day, the priest woke up in the morning and started
        is the formula of fools. Ge ng proud in wearing thick and  ght                 the hymn but couldn't listen to the voice of the donkey. So the
        jeans and overlapping blazers in hot Indian torrid climate is a                priest became suspicious! “Why isn't the voice being heard
        familiar example of a wrecked and empty brain.                                 today?” He couldn't resist much. So he immediately rushed to
               Man supersedes animals by his innate brain power. If we                 the po er a er comple ng the ritual and asked: “Hey buddy !
        don't use our brains in significant sectors of life and blindly ape             Where has that noble being gone?”
        the world, aren't we indifferent from a dog or a donkey?                                Po er said, “Who? that 'Jogiyo' donkey?” There was no
               Let us learn the rules to play the game of L.I.F.E. from the            one else living in the po er's home except the donkey and the
        funny story of a donkey 'Jogeshwar Maharaj' itself. We would                   donkey just died yesterday. So he asked about him directly.
        get be er aware, 'How is our money,  me and energy ge ng                               The priest said, “Oh! Great man! Don't call him 'Jogiyo'.
        sapped in running the blind race behind the world? And also we
                                                                                       He was 'Jogeshwar Maharaj'. He was really very nice and noble.
        fail to focus on the grave and greater purpose of human life-                  So what happened to him?”
        spiritual  advancement.  Let's  read  this  story  and  gauge  the                     “Oh learned man! He died yesterday….”
        foolishness of just using our two flesh eyes in imita ng the mad
                                                                                               “What? Did he die! Oh gosh….!” the priest felt sorry for
               Now,  let  us  open  our  'third  eye'  and  judiciously
                                                                                               “Ah…! A very great-noble soul…. What should we do
        discriminate  and  decide  –what  is  beneficial  and  what  is                 now! Such a lo y soul le  us, if we don't do anything a er him,
        harmful to our own souls?
                                                                                       don't offer any tribute to him, it would really prove our hard-
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