P. 15

heartedness! We don't have anything else, or else we could                     that soul was? At least, you need to surely tonsure your head.”
        have  offered  dona ons  and  erected  a  bird's  grain-feeding                 A er listening to the talks of the priest even the merchant aped
        tower on his name. At least, we should tonsure our head and                    him.
        bath in the river “Thinking thus, the scholar shaved his head                          In the mean me, many customers stepped the shop.
        and bathed in the river. When he was returning back in the                     They  pointed  the  merchant's  bald  head  and  asked,  “What
        market, a merchant pointed to his bald head and asked him,                     happened gentleman! Has someone died today?”
        “What happened? Learned man! What is this? Has someone                                 “Oh,  my  brother!  The  demise  occurred  is  not  of  a
        died today?                                                                    common man. Actually, that great saint 'Jogeshwar' has died!”
               “Hey,  good  man!  Don't  you  know?  That  'Jogeshwar                          “Really?  The  saint  has  died?  So  do  we've  to  do
        Maharaj' has died!”                                                            something?”
               Now see the blind race of the worldly people! What is                           “Oh, venerable! It's not enough as much as you do! Lo y
        our specific richness as a human just like the diamond's sharp                  soul! Should we remain without tonsuring our heads?”
        gleam, pearl's exquisite beauty, swi ness and valour of a horse                        As such, many people tonsured their heads! It spread
        etc.? We just don't think about it…. We do useless and fu le                   through-out in the market.
        things which neither suits our dignity nor is our duty. Those                          There,  a  prominent  business  tycoon  arrived.  He  saw
        things are body's pamper and nourishment, smoothening the                      everyone's heads tonsured. He asked, “Why? Brother! What
        skin, pomp and show off of designer ou its etc. We become                       happened today? Everyone…..?”
        mad and crazy in ge ng the speciali es of each place but not in                        “Oh, sir! Don't you know? A terrible incident occurred in
        case of human life. So we lose our rich pres ge as a human kind
                                                                                       the  city!  Really  terrific!  That…  great  saint  'Jogeshwar'  has
        and look low in the eyes of highly knowledgeables and become
        a  prey  of  slaps  and  thrashes  by  karma  and   me!  We  were                      “What are you saying? Oh, poor fate! Very less noble
        stricken and slapped, infinite  mes in the past, even then it
                                                                                       souls take birth while the noble oldies are dying. Then the ones
        feels like surprising that the worldly people are not stopping
                                                                                       like me should tonsure the head first!” The businessman played
        being stupid and foolish! Along with ignorance, even this ill-                 a trick and made himself secured. So he doesn't have to make
        a tude  is  the  reason,  that  the  worldly  people  are  running             any charity. The world is very cunning.
        blindly, even let us run behind them!
                                                                                               Even the business tycoon tonsured his head. Look, Look,
               The  merchant  asked,  “Oh!  The  saint  'Jogeshwar'  has               is anyone asking,” Which great saint?” No, why would they ask?
        died. So do I've to do something?”
                                                                                       Everyone is doing that, so blindly accept it without using our
               “Obviously you have to. What is the need to ask in this?”
                                                                                       minds! Are we not commi ng the same mistake in the ma er
               The priest con nued “If you sell your whole shop and                    of benefits and harms for our Immortal soul?
        offer in charity, even then it is meagre and insufficient! So lo y

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