P. 11

that exhilara ng sensa on. He became completely numb and                       absorbed listening to it. He was warmly welcomed and made
        dumb. Besides, he was offered a variety of cold beverages,                      sit on a pala al royal bed. The ma ress was so so  and sinking
        chilled  tangy  beers,  yummy  flavoured  sweet  drinks  by  the                that one felt as if he was si ng in a flying aeroplane. Smooth
        hands of the slut like lusty girls. Patel was deeply engrossed. He             and silky sa n bed sheets, cosy cushions boosted the sensual
        lost his senses and reached in a completely different world.                    passions of lust-crazy partners. As Mr Patel sat on the bed, cute
        Patel thought in his mind, “I'm a village folk and these are                   li le  smiling  kids  of  age  2-4  years  climbed  up  the  bed  and
        glamorous  angels.  Our  combina on  is  next  to  impossible.                 rushed to his lap, hoping and dancing, pulling his beard and
        Today our mee ng has become possible. So I shouldn't lose this                 asking him 'Uncle! Uncle! Grandpa! Grandpa! What is this?'
        diamond opportunity. I shouldn't think anything else. So enjoy                 Patel was having fun and enjoying this. Cushioned ma ress, an
        the pleasures to  the fullest! What can  be any other selfish                   aeroplane  -  like  bed,  cool  breeze,  heavy  food,  intoxica ng
        mo ve of these darlings? They are so very innocent! They are                   drinks etc. made him feel sleepy. Till when? Right up to sunset!
        selflessly loving me. How can I just kick them away? Not only                           The merchant arrived and woke up Mr Patel when not
        now, but I also can't leave them all my life. For now, let the                 more than 15 seconds were le  for the sun to set. He fell in the
        jewellery bags go to hell! Although, I'll immediately pack up the              feet of Mr Patel and said,“Mr Patel! Please forgive me, leave
        bags now because even they would go back for their du es,                      me, Sir I'm completely robbed off”. The merchant knew that
        then what else I have to do alone? “In such false hope, how can                Patel didn't touch even a single penny. S ll, pretending to be
        he listen the alarm 'Mr. Patel! Pack your bags”.                               unaware, the merchant said”Right from the morning Sir! You
               As such, the  me passed by rapidly and it was four on                   may have collected many many things. Please excuse me, my
        the clock. Till then, Mr Patel hadn't collected a single penny.                lord! Please leave me! And return back home, or else my whole
        Whose fault was that? Was it of the clever merchant or the                     family would have to beg the next day surely. In just one day
        stupid villager?                                                               you brought me on the footpath. Sun has set and our contract is
               A er swimming in the sensa onal flood of music, lust                     now completed. So please proceed towards your house”.
        and drinks, Mr Patel thought 'C'mon, let me see what is on the                         Patel was surprisingly staring at the merchant's face. He
        third floor'. He climbed up the stairs. Do you know what the                    looked stupid and idiot. He said 'Hey! What are you saying? I
         me was? Three-quarters of the day elapsed. It was evening                     haven't taken anything s ll” How can it be possible? More than
         me.                                                                           12  hours  elapsed  and  you  haven't  taken  anything  it  is  just
               This was the last storey, but it was indeed splendid. On                impossible, buddy. When treasures were overflowing with gold
        one side, elite musicians from different countries relayed heart                and jewels, how is it possible that you haven't taken anything?
        –  throbbing  rhythmical  music.  Various  musical  instruments                All the treasure chests and keys were kept open for you. Then
        being played created a refreshing and soothing effect on the                    what you would have taken?”
        ears. He experienced celes al pleasure. Poor Patel was so very                         Mr Patel replied, “I am speaking the truth, Mr Clever

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