P. 9

at  Mr  Patel  engrossed  in  thoughts,  those  beauty  angels                 varie es. Also, there were a vast variety of spices and sweets.
        immediately traced his restlessness and started packing up the                 Poor fellow Mr Patel never ever even saw such food items in his
        programme. They said, “Come on Mr Patel, now we show you                       life. Tas ng them was far to be a dream for him. On looking at
        the  closets  and  cupboards,  take  whatever  you  want  from                 such temp ng tangy dishes, his mouth immediately watered
        them.” Saying so, they took him inside a room and Mr Patel                     and tongue was dripping wet. He was looking here and there,
        went dumbstruck! Why! Because the whole, vast chamber was                      thinking “Can I taste it with my hands?” and quickly the caring
        adorned and arranged with exquisite toys and other lots of                     girls who were serving him below were already standing ready
        fancy  and  a rac ve  an ques  in  the  showcases  and  on  the                to treat him! They began holding juice glasses in front of his
        crystal shelves. The novel es were so very eye-catching that no                mouth. They made him sit on a silver seat and fed him with
        one  can  move  from  there  without  watching  them.  They                    intense love and affec on and said,
        definitely sprang one's curiosity to see them! Even Mr Patel                            “It is a strict order of our boss 'Today is the day of Mr
        began to watch around. Wow! The toys are so very ar s c and                    Patel. We have to let him take heaps of gold respec ully.' So
        a rac ve!  Flying  horses  with  wooden  wings!  Dancing                       today you are the owner of this bungalow. We have to treat you
        elephants! Dazzling palaces! Revolving planes ! Where would                    as the Master. It is our earnest request that this all is yours. So
        have this Poor Patel seen such wonders! He never saw such                      enjoy, don't hesitate. We are all ready to place anything before
        amusing  things  in  his  life me.  He  was  enchanted  and                    you. Don't feel shy. We would feel more and more blessed and
        fascinated, “Oh, wow! This world is filled with such wondrous                   graced,  the  more  you  order  us  anything.  You  are  so  very
        wonders!” There, some men said, “Hey! Mr Patel has come                        fortunate and valiant! Take this …. And this… And you'll have to
        over here to fill up his sacks with wealth. So don't trouble him.”              take this definitely….. Oh! This is le …… It won't do without
        But Mr Patel himself wasn't able to contain his greed to watch                 taking this….” Saying so, they were lovingly pu ng sweets in his
        the surprising things, then what is the fault of others? In fact,              mouth with their tender hands.
        he  was  defending  them.  “No,  no.  These  things  are  a  must                      Mr  Patel  happiness  knew  no  bounds  in  receiving  so
        watch. What is the trouble to me if they are showing me such                   much honour and hospitality. His mouth was already watering,
        fabulous art?” The clock  cked ten in watching the unusual                     on top of that, he got go much pleasurable pleasure! Even that
        items in the first chamber itself. Even then, he couldn't see it                from  gorgeous  girls  laughing  and  smiling  with  pre y  faces.
        properly? It was filled with such vast and bewildering things!                  Then why would he wait? He le  no stone unturned. Mr Patel
               Then they took him on the first floor. They showed him                    started tas ng new deligh ul dishes one a er another. Each
        treasure chests standing far off filled with wealth and jewellery.               and every food item was so very tasty and tangy that he felt like
        In between, the dining table was heaped with many delicious                    filling  the  belly  with  that  very  single  item.  But  Mr  Patel  is
        deluxe  delicacies.  How?  50  food  items  were  prepared  only               afraid.'These beauty angels are forcing me to savour each and
        from milk, like milk cake. Besides it, there were many other                   every dish. If I fill my tummy like this, I will fail to taste other

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