P. 5

teaches  us  gra tude  and  generosity.  The  fi h  story  'Piteous
                COOL AND REFRESHING                                                    outcome of greed' shows how greed poisons our lives? The sixth
                                                                                       story 'Vain advice' teaches us how and how much to advise? The
                                                                                       seventh  story  'Selfish  world'  reveals  the  selfish  dark  side  of  our
                                                                                       beloved ones. The ninth story 'Chambuji Chappaniyawala' depicts
                                                                                       how we are illusioned and trapped by the internal wicked enemies?
               Knowledgeable  sages  describe  the  mundane  world  as  ‘a
        house on fire’. Do we sense the heat? Do we feel like running away?                     Gurudevshri Bhuvanbhanusuri maharaj saheb did a massive,
                                                                                       benevolent  work  of  ten  lives  in  a  single,  short  human  life  span.
        The obvious answer would be a definite no.
                                                                                       Although, Gurudevshri were restricted by the boundary of  me.
               The  gli er  and  shine  of  mall-interiors,  mind-raving  and          While, Gurudevshri's books is facing no such hurdle and is changing
        suspense-thriller movies of mul plexes, eye-freezing a rac ons of
                                                                                       and illumina ng several lives s ll. Gurudevshri's thought-provoking
        touch  screen  phones,  creamy  ice  creams  and  chilled  beverages,
                                                                                       books possess miraculous poten al and incredible power to shape
        cheesy pizzas and mouth-watering chocolates have isolated us with              and enrich our a tude towards life. Generally, Gurudevshri's books
        an ice jacket. Dazzled by the gleaming shine of the outer world, we
                                                                                       contain more of philosophy and less of story. While, this is the only
        neither sensed nor we saw the approaching killer-fire.
                                                                                       Gurudevshri's book containing more of story and less of philosophy.
               'Wait! Wait! Wait! What is the fire you are talking about? I
                                                                                               The present book is a treasure of funny stories, emo onal
        don't understand anything. Make the picture clear’
                                                                                       stories, wisdom stories, inspira onal stories, value-seeding stories
               O.K. Then, reading this book alone would help you get a good
                                                                                       etc. It would make you laugh and cry, think and contemplate.
        grasp of the illusory world.
                                                                                               Gurudevshri's  excellent  narra on  throughout  the  book
               You  would  also  know.  Which  are  the  burning  fire  spots?          would  catch  hold  your  breath  and  curiosity.  Gurudevshri's
        Which is the escape way?                                                       interes ng and appealing style has really made the tales juicy and
               You don't necessarily need a golden torch to find a lost gold            tangy, cool and refreshing.
        treasure,  even  a  plas c  torch  would  do.  Similarly,  you  don't
                                                                                               Let's sip the tangy 'Juicy tales' inherit the wisdom bloom and
        necessarily need to read complex philosophies to comprehend the                drive our life to peace and bliss.
        deepest life-truths, even a simple story would do.
                                                                                               Only  the  inspira on  and  blessings  of  Param  Pujya
               'Once  upon  a   me'  is  an  a en on-catching  phrase.  How
                                                                                       Gachchhadhipa  shri Jayghoshsurishwarjee Maharaja made the
        much dizzy we may be feeling, but as soon as this phrase rings our             transla on job feasible.
        ears, our curiosity springs up. This shows that we love to read and                    I’m extremely grateful to my benevolent Gurudev Pu. Ach.
        listen to stories.
                                                                                       Shri  Jaysundersurishwarji  Maharaja  and  Pu.  Pannyas  Shri
               The  first  story,  'Mr.  Soulomon  Patel'  shows  us  the  true         Premsundervijay ganiji
        purpose  of  human  life.  The  second  story  'Blind  race'  shows  the
        ignorance and foolishness in blindly imita ng the worldly people.                                                                   - Translator

        The third story 'The diamond necklace' teaches us lessons of love
        and brotherhood for Sadharmika. The fourth story 'Two Americans'
          8                                                                              Cool And Refreshing                                          9
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