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dishes'. So controlling his tempta on, he took and tasted a very               watching  the  beauty  around.  Fool  Patel  didn't  sense  or
        li le bit and moved to other dishes.                                           remember  that  'I've  come  over  here  to  gather  and  pack
               Has Mr Patel forgo en the foremost and chief purpose,                   precious and valuable items like jewellery and take it home
        being immersed in the delight of taste? No, not at all. Even if he             while I'm was ng my  me in this trifle entertainment'. Even
        forgets, the merchant had kept few men who would at  me                        though noon passed by, Patel was fixed there like a nail. It
        remind him, “ Mr Patel pack your bags!” So there are people                    seemed more fun in relishing the beauty than relishing the
        who are making him aware. But, Mr Patel is in over-confidence                   dishes. For the same reason, he stopped there and enjoyed the
        “What is a big deal in taking away the merchant's wealth? I'll                 art at his leisure.
        pile up everything, money and jewellery in a single cloth. Tie up                      Then Mr Patel was brought on the 2  floor. As soon as he
        and take away in a single shot!” Poor fellow remained in a false               entered inside, he was u erly spellbound. His heart started
        hope and he started tas ng several other dishes. When he                       bea ng faster. He saw charming beauty angels with dripping
        finished relishing all the food items, there the door opened for                beauty and bloom on their face far superior to the chief queen
        the art gallery.                                                               of a king, Miss India or Miss Universe. The pre y fair girls with
               Patel thought, “Oh! This seems amazing! C'mon let me                    cat eyes, rosy makeup, rich robes, gli ering gold welcomed
        see. I'll have to surely see this”. Thinking so, he entered the art            him.  Patel  was  u erly  bewitched  and  clean  bowled, out  of
        gallery.  Picturesque  portraits  and  pain ngs  from  various                 control of his senses by their teasing and flir ng lus ul look.
        different  countries  were  hung  on  the  walls  which  seemed                 Patel's eyes were brimming with their lustrous youth and rosy
        exactly real and live. For, e.g. In a pain ng of a garden, a mango             cheeks.
        tree with bright saffron-coloured ripe mangoes looked so real                           They caught Patel's hand with their silky- smooth hands
        that Patel rushed to pluck the mangoes! And thud! His hand hit                 and made him sit on a golden throne. There, they began to
        the coloured canvas! Ha… Ha…! Everyone began to laugh! The                     press and massage hands, legs, head and the whole body of
        merchant's men were there to defend him so that Mr Patel                       Patel. See, how cunning these girls are! But, what was their
        won't feel ashamed “Even big experts are illusioned in this.                   fault? Patel himself is a big fool. Then, those tender girls started
        Even they mistake it to be real! The pictures are such, with live              caressing the rough skin of Mr Patel with their sleeky-smooth
        look and realis c effect! What is our fault! What can we do?                    hands. He couldn't stay steady in this slippery swamp. On top of
        Just watch ahead and have fun.”                                                that, Patel got embraces from these bold beau es with their
               Patel  moved  forward.  The  series  of  beau ful  and                  bu er-like so  bodies. Then, he couldn't control and contain
        astounding pain ngs provoked a movie experience, one scene                     more in that paradisal experience. But there he listened to
        a er another! Also, there were various kinds of ar s c and                     someone shou ng: 'Mr. Patel, pack your bags' but, Mr Patel
        cra y  an ques,  so  interes ng  that  Patel  especially  stopped              was then drowned deep in the marsh of lust. He felt his whole
        over there to understand the science and mechanism of it! In                   life and even the treasure of expensive jewellery fickle before

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