P. 12

Karma that s ll I was just watching around looking at things.                  from the next day, Patel had to come back with his family for
        Then how I would have collected the valuables”.                                the torturous slavery of the merchant. What kind of slavery?
               “Did you come for sightseeing and sensual pleasures,                    Extremely excrucia ng and painful for the whole life. A half day
        enjoyment and entertainment or taking precious goodies?”                       entertainment  brought  miseries  and  sorrow,  torture  and
               “Oh, my brother! Actually, I came over here to fetch the                contempt for a mul tude of years!
        goods, but the glamour and grandeur of your things were so                             Now let's see what is the secret hidden in this story !
        very alluring that I forgot everything”.
                                                                                       Inference :
               “What do you want to say, Mr Patel? Did I force you to
        see all that? It was your clause that I had to allow you to take                       Mr Soulomon Patel is our soul. Merchant 'Clever Karma'
        the  things  with  respect  and  honour.  I  just  made  an                    is merits and demerits bound in our past life. The soul thinks
        arrangement for your hospitality and honour. Who told you to                   that I'll fool the Karma, but actually Karma fools the soul. Karma
        get a racted and immersed in it? Didn't you remember that                      allows the soul to grab all the sweet fruits of merits in human
        much? You were lost and engrossed so much in it that you                       life.  It  means,  it  allows  the  soul  to  collect  the  jewellery  of
        forgot the most important job of taking home the rich goodies.                 highest  degree  of  spirituality  a ained  through  prac sing
        Was your mind cracked? Was your heart misplaced?”                              religious  rites  and  cash  of  sin-destruc on  with  the  help  of
                                                                                       merits in the bungalow of human life. The dura on is from birth
               “Let it be, whatever happened. Besides, now talking will
        waste my  me. C'mon, now let me take as much I can.”                           to death. Birth is sunrise and death is sunset. A er that, the
                                                                                       soul has to become the slave of karma. But if he really gathers
               “Friend! How would you take now? Time is over, so the
        game is over. Sun has already set. The dura on as per the bond                 the property, then one can't say that karma is the master and
        has finished. Now get out and come back tomorrow with your                      dragging  him  wherever  he  wants.  But  actually,  karma  has
        whole family for slavery.”                                                     reserved incredible ecstasy in best blissful heavenly lives where
                                                                                       the soul is master of others and can enjoy prowess on others. If
               Mr Patel went flat on listening to this! He experienced a
        severe shock                                                                   the soul fails to earn the spiritual cash, then he has to suffer
                                                                                       unbearable tortures in hell and animal life due to the slavery of
               Also, he saw heaps and piles of gems and jewels, pearls
        and diamonds, gold and silver overflowing from the closets.
                                                                                               In such a situa on, see the foolishness of Mr Soulomon
        Then he realized his extremely grave mistake. What did he gain                 Patel.  He  entered  the  ground  floor  of  childhood  in  the
        from seeing, ea ng and drinking? And how much he lose? His
        heart was filled with grief and eyes with tears. He started crying              bungalow of human life. There his good merit kept his father
                                                                                       and mother, rela ves, ready to welcome him. He was wholly
        and wailing loudly in a very sad tone. But now what can be
        done?  He  fell  in  his  own  dug  pit.  He  experienced  terrible            enchanted  in  ge ng  sweet  lullabies,  affec onate  kisses,
        sorrow many  mes more than the day-long pleasure! Also,                        utmost care, royal treatment, rain of motherly love etc. Also,
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