P. 16

Just as the worldly people are forge ng the imminence                           What would the minister reply back? Then the car took a
        of human life which is very beneficial and useful for the soul                  reverse turn.
        and running behind pampering and nourishing of one's body,                             The  minister  said,  “I  don't  know,  who  was  he.  That
        family etc. which is harmful to the soul, the same way, are we                 business tycoon may be knowing?”
        forge ng imminence of human life? Are we blindly running                               The business tycoon was called.
        a er the people? We should deeply ponder upon this. People                             The businessman said, “I don't know. XYZ person told
        are ignorant. Their path doesn't lead to the soul's benefits.                   me. Likewise, the name of the merchant was given.
        Even then, we are blindly rushing behind them, and as such,
                                                                                                   The  merchant  was  called  from  the  market.  The
        centuries and ages have elapsed. Today, we are s ll unhappy                    merchant said,”I don't know. That priest may be knowing this.
        and dependent. This shows that the race was blind. So stop                     He is the main source.”
        now. Examine life. Conquest for truth and let us strive to a ain                       King called the priest and asked, “Oh learned! Which
        the real specific richness of this human life.
                                                                                       'Jogeshwar'  saint  died?  Where  is  his  monastery?  Which
               The  businessman  happened  to  go  to  the  minister's                 spiritual prac ces he did? What are his spiritual achievements?
        place.  The  ministers  saw  the  hairless,  bald  head  of  the               How many are his disciples a er him?” The king a acked him
        businessman and asked, “Nobleman! What happened today?                         with serial arrows of ques ons.
        Has someone died in your family?
                                                                                                What is the answer for this? This poor innocent priest
                The Businessman said,”Wow! Great minister! Don't you                   replied,  “Majesty!  Saint  'Jogeshwar'  was  not  human  but  a
        know?  The  great  saint  'Jogeshwar'  has  died  and  you  are                donkey. The lo y, noble soul was in possession of a po er. He
                                                                                       used to bray and accompany me every day while I recited the
               So the minister asked him, “So have I to do something?”                 'Gayatri' hymn. It seems he may have come from a noble past
               The Businessman said,”Whatever you do for the noble                     life and may have gone in a noble future life!'’
        soul is insufficient. At least this…..”                                                  Everyone  was  present  during  the  clarifica on  of  the
               The minister said, “Ya, Ya I got it. If we don't do even this,          priest.  Minister,  businessman,  ci zens  and  merchant.
        it shows lack of honour and affec on in one's heart for the                     Everyone's face bent low and pale. Why? Because blind race
        noble soul” Even the minister tonsured his head.                               ends in repentance.

               Then it was the chance of the king. But the king was not                        For the same reason, the knowledgeable souls advise,
        such fool and crazy. So he asked the minister looking at his                   “Stop  and  wait  a  minute!  Think….  Why  do  such  births  and
        tonsured head, “Why? Noble! What is this?”                                     deaths happen in the world? Why do we change new bodies

               “It is because that saint 'Jogeshwar' died!”                            now and then? Why do we arouse new and new desires?' If one
               Till then everyone was asking “What should we do?” But                  explores and digs deep, he may see. One has forgo en the true
        the king asked, “Which 'Jogeshwar' Saint?”                                     gli ering shine and specific richness of the human life(soul)
         30                                                                              Blind Race                                                  31
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