P. 20

announce 'My necklace is stolen. While in the 'pra kraman',                    take  and  wander  in  the  vicious  birth  cycle  because  of  this
        this shravak was si ng beside. A er he le  early. I couldn't find               crime! Bhagwan! Bhagwan! Save me! Instead of stealing things
        the necklace' But he didn't know, souls, having abundant love                  of such a generous and loving, noble soul, even if I would have
        towards  the  'Sangha'  (community)  don't  publicly  disclose                 directly asked for it, he would have given it kindly. But now I'm
        faults  of  community  members.  They  don't  do  gaze ng  of                  not worthy to even ask for it. The first thing I've to do is to
        flaws. How can the mean people be aware of such generous                        return back the necklace to the businessman.”
        heart?                                                                                 The generosity of a man and his confession of mistake
               Guru  Maharaj  permi ed  him.  The  businessman                         can  bring  a  change  even  in  the  heart  of  a  thief!  This  is  an
        con nued, “Guruji! Give me 'prayashchit'(compensa on)!”                        appropriate illustra on. Then why won't it affect others? If one
               Guru Maharaj asked, “But, in public?”                                   wants  to  reform  the  thieves  or  other  criminals,  then
               “Yes, because my offence is public.”                                     understand  that  court  punishment,  newer  laws  etc.  won't
               “What is the offence! What is the ma er?”                                improve them. Only poor fellows commi ng pe y crime due
               Now  that  shravak  was  full  of  doubts!”On  such  a                  to adverse condi ons would get caught in the net of laws. Rest
        pretence, he may wisely and indirectly announce my the . But                   shrewd  and  masterminded  criminals  would  remain  alert  so
        over here, this wise shravak was speaking very though ully. He                 that they don't get trapped in any law. Only Saint's discourse
        said-“O  God!  I  forgot  to  take  care  of  my  distressed                   can change and reform such criminals. The ac ve generosity
        Sadharmika!”                                                                   of noble men would correct and improve the mistakes of the
               Here, Guruji didn't ask “Which Sadharmika?” because it
        shouldn't  be  made  all  public.  He  just  said,  “Meet  me                          Thinking thus, he immediately got up and reached the
        a erwards.”                                                                    businessman's  place  with  the  necklace.  The  businessman

               This  incident  highly  influenced  and  magically                       invited him, “Welcome my brother! Welcome!” He put the gold
        mesmerised the thief shravaka.! He understood the situa on.                    chain in the hands of the businessman.
        As a result, a burning fire of repentance enraged in his heart                          Businessman asked, “Brother! What is this?”
        “Ah!  Ah!  Ah!  I'm  really  a  heavy  sinner.  What  have  I  done?                   He replied, “Oh noble! What are you asking? Didn't you
        Whose necklace have I stolen? I have stolen the necklace of                    recognize? This is your necklace.”
        such a great, holy man! I have a empted the , that too of a                            “Mine?”
        necklace with precious jewels! What a mean and sinful act by                           “Yes, it is yours.”
        me!  Even  a  mean  person  won't  do  this.  Look  at  the  eye-                      “No brother! It can't be mine at all.”
        sparkling  speciality  of  his  high  nobility  that  in  spite  of  me                “Oh, master! Don't doubt. The necklace isn't changed. It
        commi ng  a  treacherous  offence,  rather  he  is  asking                      is your same necklace.” He thought the businessman may be
        Prayashchit' (compensa on)! How many births would I have to                    suspicious that 'My precious necklace may be changed' so he

         38                                                                              The Diamond Necklace                                        39
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