P. 23

This story is being narrated on the basis a current- me
                                                                                       incident appeared in an American magazine named 'Physical
             4. Two Americans                                                                  A  rich  American  came  to  roam  around  a  sea-coast.
                                                                                       Actually, he was a miser and it was night  me, so what was the
                                                                                       need to show off? So he came dressed in simple night garbs like
                                                                                       t-shirt and pantaloons.
               Snake bites back the generous giver who feeds him milk                          Some mes,  some  richies  are  very  contented  in
        while  human  overflows  with  thankfulness  and  gratefulness                  pleasures. So, when the common people want to do much
        towards  his  benevolent  saviour  and  yearns  to  repay  his                 pomp and show, they want to relish rich eateries, then this
        kindness. Here is a sen mental and heart-rending story of a                    sa sfied richies resort to very simple food and dress! You may
        man  who  sought  and  cherished  the  crucial  opportunity  of                ask, how does it happen! But look at nature-
        repaying  the  kindness  of  the  other  man.  He  experienced  a                      1) The  nkling of a bronze dish is more while the gold
        revolu onary  and  remarkable  change  when  the  other  man                   dish doesn't sound much.
        showed kindness towards him. It was the richness of his outlook                        2) Clouds that are not raining make many thundering
        that made him infer the scolding man as a graceful person, as a
                                                                                       sounds while the raining clouds calmly and efficiently perform
        life teacher in disguise. The incident is like a diamond in a coal             their duty.
        mine. An illustra on of exemplary gratefulness in a spiritually
                                                                                               3) A small river overflows and over floods on all four
        downtrodden country like America.
                                                                                       sides on a bit rainfall while large watercourses like Ganga don't
               Gurudevshri  cleverly  showed  the  path  of  charity  by               show  such  false  pomp.  On  the  other  hand,  a  sea  doesn't
        pain ng the psyche of an addicted donor. A donor in true sense                 overflow even if large rivers submerge in it.
        experiences joy in giving and distribu ng wealth while sorrow                          Similar was the case for this Richie. On reaching the sea-
        in not giving, just as one feels uneasiness in withholding the                 coast, he got out from his car and kept his car parked far away.
        excreta while experiences freshness in releasing it. It's rightly              Strolling on the sea-shore, he went and sat on a bench. The cool
        said, 'Wealth is the dirt of hand.' One should always intend to
                                                                                       wind was breezing. The crowd was slowly disappearing. The
        wear it off. Pujyashri has explained the philosophical truths in a
                                                                                       place  was  growing  solitary  and  quiet.  Staring  at  vast  sea,
        very easy and excellent manner like, 'If one wants to experience
                                                                                       sea ng on the bench, the American was lost in deep thoughts.
        tremendous bliss in a aining Bhagwan, one should bring in the
                                                                                               It so happened that an another rich man arrived at the
        mind and feel the boundless sorrow and pain of being jailed in
                                                                                       same  me. He stopped the car, got out and loitering along the
        the mundane world'. Let's relish the sympathe c incident in the                coast came over there. He told his driver to keep the car behind
        words of classic author Gurudevshri himself…!
                                                                                       slowly. Then he came exactly behind the first American. At that
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