P. 26

kindness?’                                                                             “But where is he?”
               What a beau ful thought process! How impressive is his                          “He didn't tell me and went.”
        discre on power in evalua ng things! The kindness of lending                           He got confused, “How would I meet him? And I can do
        money  and  the  card  was  much  ordinary  while arousing  his                nothing  without  mee ng  him.”  In  such  circumstances,  the
        inclina on towards dona on was indeed a great favour! To get                   other may think, “Let it be, if he doesn't want any help then why
        shocked on listening to the name of calamity fallen on ones                    would I be interested?” But this man didn't think such. A er
        great  benevolent  person,  to  become  emo onal  and  full  of                ge ng connected with the opposite person with love and
        affec on  for  him,  to  instantly  decide  to  recover  his  crisis            affec on, man doesn't bother whether he comes and request
        without being called. These all are noble outlooks. Such an                    me or not. When true gratefulness wakes up in mind, one
        outlook is a founda on for a spiritual soul.                                   doesn't wish for any respect or honour from him. When true
               A er deciding to help him, this rich man called in his                  emo ons sprout in one's mind, one doesn't care whether the
        private secretary and said 'Let's go to xyz office! The secretary                opposite person appreciates him or not.
        was perplexed because 'This company is in financial crisis and                          He just thought, 'How to serve him? How to help him?'
        we don't have any business dealings or rela on with them.                      He had true emo ons so when he didn't get a proper reply
        Then why does the boss want to go there! The creditors would                   outside.  He  went  inside  and  talked  with  the  secretary  in
        have been flocked over there for a raid!' Thinking this, the                    private.
        secretary was confused!                                                                “Look,  I  haven't  come  over  here  to  take  anything.
               Look, this American wants to go in the midst of such                    Instead, I've come to help my friend. So don't keep any fear
        situa on and circumstances, for what? To repay his kindness                    from me. Just let me meet your boss and see how the whole
        and become grateful for the favour bestowed by the opposite                    environment  changes!  I  know,  in  the   me  of  crisis,  many
        person by se ng a good example himself through his noble,                      people come to harass and one has to be alert and stay far from
        charitable act!                                                                them. In such a  me, many people who seem to be our friends
               Here, the secretary may think whatever he wants, but                    become  enemies.  They  use  the  pretext  of  friendship,  send
        he can't say anything in front of his boss. 'You order and we                  detec ves and spies and put us in a greater problem. Even such
        obey' is the rule! He immediately got ready and brought the                    a thing happens. I'm well aware of the wicked system of the
        car, and even the boss took a chequebook with him. Both sat in                 world. But don't keep any doubts for me. I've come over here as
        the car and reached to the American's company's office. There                    his true friend realizing the boun ful grace bestowed on me by
        they saw a chao c crowd of creditors gathered over there. This                 him. I've come now to make a sure and concrete help because I
        man got out of the car and reached to a company's personnel                    can see he is in a terrible crisis. If my wealth doesn't become
        and asked him, “Where is the boss?” He got an answer, “You                     useful in recovering my friend's adversity, then what is the use
        can't meet him right now”                                                      of such wealth? Now please take me to my friend”.

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