P. 29

“Such a great favour in return of just two dollars!”                    were filled and brimmed with tears. He felt, 'What is this? Is this
               “No, I'm in no state of returning and repaying the grace                reality  or  a  dream?  Am  I  under  some  magic  spell?  Such  a
        you bestowed for the great life-lessons of peace and generosity                boundless  grace  showered  on  me!  I've  no  words  to  say
        through the two dollars. Now don't delay, tell me, how much is                 'Thanks'! My two dollars have no worth in front of his graceful
        the crisis?”                                                                   generosity of crores!' He got up and just  ghtly embraced him.
               He said, “3 crores, forty lac dollars.”                                 With tears streaming from the eyes, he said, “How can I take
               “Would  the  company  get  into  a  smooth  flow  a er                   this? But today it is a cri cal condi on, a ques on of life or
        ge ng this amount?”                                                            death for me, so I'm helpless, I've to take it. But I can't just
               “No,  not  at  all,  this  would  just  only  repay  the  debts         imagine the skyscraping height of your benevolence. You said
        because a er ge ng recovered from the loss, the company                        you learnt generosity from me, But I think in such condi on I
        would be le  with zero capital.”                                               couldn't have shown such benevolence. You just newly learnt
                                                                                       generosity and today you have done a heroic and valiant feat.
               Just imagine, how can one even hear it? It feels like
        saying sorry “Brother! I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked you this.             You've not only saved my down-se ng pres ge but instead
        If you want, I'll surely send you the meal expenditure, but this               boosted it extremely high. You have set a new inspiring ideal, a
        is… Oh my God, How big? This amount is really a monstrous,                     wonderful  example  of  unmatched  generosity  today  in  this
                                                                                       country and this world. By giving such a big sacrifice, you're
        giant amount! I can't reach, it's like touching the sky..” This man
                                                                                       really inspiring and mo va ng, encouraging others to imbibe
        didn't say any such thing. When this man got overflowed with
                                                                                       such vast hearted noble generosity. How would I return your
        such ample love for his countryman, who gave him just two
        dollars!  Then  how  much  love  and  affec on  should  be                      favour?”  Saying  so,  he  stood  there  crying,  repressed  and
        overflowing  in  our  heart  towards  a  Sadharmika!  What  is                  lowered by the exhaus ve weight of gra tude.
        sadharmika?  The  whole  Jain  shashan  lies  in  it!  He  may                         “Please, don't oblige me, Please don't feel embarrassed.
        become a monk(sadhu) and upto Acharya. He may earn the                         You had done a great favour on me at that  me. I can't pay even
        merit of becoming Tirthankar and may really become thus.                       the full interest of it. Now take this and your secretary and
        Devo on  towards  Bhagwan  and  Guru,  vows,  pledges,                         gra fy  the  environment.”  A er  having  a  heart-rending
                                                                                       conversa on, they came out with enormous ecstasy. He went
        celibacy etc. lie in sadharmika.
                                                                                       to the bank with the secretary, encashed the cheque came back
               On listening to this, He said,” Ok that's it? Ok then take
                                                                                       to the office and returned the debt of everyone in liquid cash.
        this  cheque  of  three  crores,  forty  lacs  and  secondly,  an
        invita on for partnership in our company!” Saying so, he wrote                 Both companies joined hands and came together. Both owners
        and gave a cheque and also a partnership offer.                                 became Business partners. If we have a live and bea ng heart,
                                                                                       we can learn many lessons from this incident of exemplary
               That  American  who  was  in  crisis  was  completely
        astonished, seemed an unbelievable thing to him! His eyes                      benevolence  and  apprecia on.  What  are  the  unimaginable
         56                                                                              Two Americans                                               57
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