P. 33

body.’ So he returned to his father. His father was anxiously                  It is the worry that triggers alertness and a en ve care! And so
        wai ng for Bhaliya to come for the safety signal so as to dig the              very  precise  and  perfect  checking!  This  precision  nurtures
        pit and bury the casket. There the Bhaliya arrived with the                    hard-heartedness  towards  the  opposite  person  so  the
        survey report, “Dad, I checked all the four direc ons. There is                merchant orders to thrash his hand, head and the whole body!
        no one around except a dead body lying below a tree. But what                  Therefore the worry of wealth is mean and depraved. It burns
        to fear from a dead body?”                                                     the merit gathered in a number of post lives to ashes just as a
               “O Bhaliya! Are you a man or a fool like an animal? Have                ligh ng cigare e thrown on a giant heap of currency notes.
        you seen it properly? Is it surely a dead body? Beware! A wicked               Similarly, it also burns noble habits and quali es we brought
        man may be pretending to be sleeping!”                                         along from our previous lives.
               “No, of course not Dad! It seems like some poor fellow                          What can poor Bhaliya do? He just got up and walked
        has fallen from the tree and is dead.”                                         back.  Here  the  wicked  man  thought  in  his  mind,  'Oh!  The
               “He may be blood stained all over, right?”                              wealth is boun ful! No ma er if my head thrashes. I'll acquire
               “No, that isn't!”                                                       wealth even on breaking my head 'Bhaliya came and raised the

               “Then how can he just die this way?” “Dad! It seems his                 hand of the wicked man and le  in the air, But who was going to
        heart  must  have  got  suddenly  terminated  enduring                         react or reply? This is an inconsiderate loss in front of wealth to
        unapparent, deadly pain!” Bhaliya courteously preached his                     gain.  If  one  gets  aware  of  the  superior  fruits  of  spiritual
        gospel.                                                                        prac ces, he won't consider and give much importance to
                                                                                       wear out physically, mentally and by wealth!
               Father asked, “But did you checked it properly?”
                                                                                               Bhaliya thought, 'Oh! It seems he died ge ng afflicted
               Bhaliya asked with a surprise, “So should I test him by
                                                                                       by a terrible pain!’
        touching his dead body?”
                                                                                               He returned to his father. He said to his father, “Dad!
               “Hey,  fool!  Have  you  come  over  here  to  perform  a
                                                                                       There's nothing to worry about. I slammed his head so hard
        religious ritual that you are afraid of touching the dead body? It
                                                                                       that he would have got startled and sprang up, if he was living.
        won't  make  you  dirty  and  untouchable.  I  think  you  have
        checked it by merely watching it without touching. Don't worry,                But nothing happened as such! Not a li le did he shiver! He's
        go ahead and check it properly by touching it. If required, li  his            surely dead.”
        head,  hands  and  the  whole  body  and  thrash  them.  Don't                         Laxmidas was an earnest slave of Mistress Laxmi! He
        hesitate and worry much! If you have any misconcep on in                       was  fully alert in serving Mistress Laxmi. S ll, he didn't trust
        your mind, then bath a erwards. But for now, understand, this                  him. He s ll doubted, ‘There is no blood, the corpse is whole
        is a safety ques on of crores of jewellery, not of 5-10 Rupees.                without any cut and wounds. Not moving a bit even on ge ng
                                                                                       thrashed. Surely he may be some wicked man!’
        Even if it is of 5-10 R, can we let it get robbed off?”
               See the tormen ng tension and vexing worry of wealth!                           He said to his son, “O Bhaliya! I feel he is some wicked
         64                                                                              Piteous Outcome of Greed                                    65
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