P. 37

wealth, made a sign on the tree and returned home.                                     Laxmidas followed this wicked man on the way and got
               A er they went away, the thief got up. He plucked and                   his  home's  address.  He  asked  the  wicked's  name  to  the
        applied medicinal herbs on his nose and ears and cleaned the                   neighbour and also queried, "Why does this merchant wear a
        blood. He dug the marked place and took the chest of jewels                    mask!" The neighbour replied, "Goodman! Don't you know
        out. He wrapped it in a cloth and rushed and reached home. He                  this? The merchant has come from a distant outside city. He
        sold the jewels, floated a business, bought a bungalow and                      said, “It is Dr.'s advice to me to keep the ears closed due to cold
        stopped commi ng the .                                                         and cough.” But we doubt, 'Why does he wear such a big mask!
               The thief turned gentleman made fix an ar ficial nose                     All around his head?' It seems, there must be some defect in his
        through plas c surgery, wore a half-mask hiding his ears and                   ears! But who can make more inquires to a rich man?" See,
        roaming coolly in the city. How inexpressible is the joy in the                how much the world fears from a rich man! Money power
        warm lap of money! How much does money pump the ego up!                        shuts the mouth of everyone! Now, the merchant couldn't stay
               Once,  merchant  Laxmidas  came  to  this  big  city  for               longer. He immediately went to the forest. He dug the pre-
        business purpose in that very area. And there he saw this man                  marked place and was shocked to see just mud and stones but
        on the way. As he saw him, he got frozen and amazed 'Oh !                      no wealth! Wealth was extremely dear life for him. When he
        What is this? Half mask around the head and ears! Ar ficial                     found his life like wealth missing, how could he withstand? He
        nose!’ He doubted, ‘Oh! Is this, that wicked man? If he was                    collapsed on the spot.
        really alive, he must have unburied and robbed of my wealth! I                         A er  coming  into  consciousness,  he  very  much
        would have to trace the truth immediately! First of all, let me                willowed, “Ahhh….! What damn happened to me? Definitely,
        know his name and place. Then I'll immediately go to the forest                that wicked man stole my whole life! Really, is he the thief? But
        and check out.’                                                                why should I doubt? Yes, definitely he only is the thief! I'm
               Look  at  the  a achment  and  a rac on  of  wealth!  As                really  the  fool  of  the  fools  that  I  buried  the  wealth  in  his
        soon as any clue enters the mind google, it instantly feedbacks                presence. I was doub ng then' Why did the red bruise marks
        the whole biodata and surrounding facts of that thing. The man                 appear?' He let cut his nose and ears. But, even without nose
        even  feels  intense  urge  to  work  on  it  and  fulfil  the  task            and ears today he is enjoying life coolly. He roams about with
        immediately. When would a man have such perennial psyche                       ar ficial nose and ears with ease on the strength of wealth. In
        and  extreme  enthusiasm  for  religion  instead  of  wealth?                  spite of having nose and ears, I became without it on losing my
        Following  are  the  signs  depic ng  it-When  he  instantly                   wealth!  This  whole  confusion  and  problem  are  created  by
        understands 'This thing is helpful and that thing is harmful to                Bhaliya. I told him then 'He must be surely alive', but the stupid
        my endeavour' When he instantly senses the means to earn,                      son didn't believe and obey me. Even I was an idiot and out of
        secure and increase the spiritual wealth, what needs to be                     brains that when I told him to cut his nose and ears then why
        done and works out immediately to obtain it.                                   didn't I also tell him to cut his throat? If I would have told him to

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