P. 36

father. Extremely ge ng emo onal, he said, "But, Dad! Why                      hatred on the inner enemies like greed, craving etc. on which
        are you behaving so? What would you do more, a er coming                       he is supposed to be cruel.
        over there? I have already shaken and slammed his body up                              On  the  contrary,  he  feels  greed  etc.  as  his  duty  and
        and down, thrashed him with a s ck, cut his ears. He didn't                    enthusias cally performs it! Bhaliya now came near the thief's
        move a bit, a single  me. Therefore, it proves he is dead. Even                body and caught hard his nose. The thief understood 'Now, this
        then  command  me  to  do  anything  else  because  I'm  very                  is the last trouble.'One who endures pain enjoys pleasure' If
        ignorant.”                                                                     you refuse, you'll have to be ready to be chopped alive by the
               Father said, "Then why are you arguing without using                    sharp blades of poverty. And over here, I'm not going to die in
        your mind. Take this knife and cut off his nose.”                               suffering the torture. In losing a nose, I'll gain crores of wealth.
               The wicked man frightened on hearing this 'Ahhh….! No                   And then I'll make the people rub their noses at my feet! Also,
        sooner my nose would be amputated. God knows when this                         lavish bungalow, green lawn, beauty queens, exquisite cars, a
        oldie will leave me? How can I let my nose get cut? Without a                  crowd  of  servants,  sensual  pleasures,  enjoyment  and
        nose, there is not a value of a single paise amongst the people.               entertainment etc. Oh, there is no end of it…! Wow! It would be
        One has to pass the whole life as a noseless.' I don't want such               great fun! Let this nose be cut off!' Thinking so, he remained
        treacherous Lakshmi! He may think of cu ng even another                        silent.
        organ a er cu ng nose! So I don't want to get cut anything’                            See, the tempta on of worldly thing makes a man ready
               Meanwhile, a thought echoed in his mind 'I'm suffering                   to  bear  unimaginable  limit  of  pain!  Similarly,  if  one  gets
        so  much  trouble  without  money  that  when  I  go  and  stand               fascinated and tempted to gain the infinite inner grandeur of
        somewhere  for  the  money  the  people  call  me  'noseless',                 the soul, he won't make a bit stagger in the deadly onsets of
        though I do have. So if I would have wealth even without my                    Karma. Enduring the troubles showered by Karma with the
        nose, people would praise,'This gentleman really has a nose. By                strong  mind,  he  would  destroy  the  karmas.  What  seems
        doing such a noble act, he has maintained his pres ge and                      unbearable to such determined and firm mind!
        honour (nose)' So I want Laxmi (wealth) anyhow Let the nose                            Bhaliya took the knife and slash!!! Cut the nose of the
        get cut! Can't I fix an ar ficial nose by plas c surgery?' Thinking              thief! And there spilt the blood! Brought the nose to his father
        so, solidifying his mind, the wicked man remained over there                   and told, "See, no shivering, no trembling even on ge ng the
        and Bhaliya arrived.                                                           nose cut. Obviously, it has to be a corpse! I slashed it fast, so it is
                 Bhaliya  believed  it  to  be  a  corpse,  so  he  was  not           dripping much with blood" Now, even the father lost his sense
        hesita ng  on  striking the  knife.  Soul  pained  by  craving  and            and began to believe his son's talks. Now, even he believed it to
        greed makes his life foul and filthy. He doesn't hesitate in doing              be corpse a like his son. Now their trust solidified, they felt 'He
        so! Greed blended with ignorance forces men to exert cruelty                   is surely dead' It's confirmed or else how would he allow to cut
        on even piteous, innocent creatures. He doesn't feel a slight                  so many limbs! Now at ease, the father and son buried their

         70                                                                              Piteous Outcome of Greed                                    71
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