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do so, this rascal wouldn't have stayed alive and wouldn't have
        robbed  my  wealth.”  Ohhh…!  Such  a  fierce  and  terrifying
        thought process. He couldn't cut the throat before nor can he
        cut now. Even then the blind a rac on for wealth and his                                6. Vain Advice
        devil mind invoked in him such a bloody thought of murder!
        He is repen ng!!! for not being able to murder him! Such an
        evil mindset very smoothly eases his way for hell.                                     As  the  age  and  post  increases,  people  tend  to  give
                                                                                       endless instruc ons to their younger subordinates. They fail to
               The merchant returned home and stormed on Bhaliya
        with  slaps  and  kicks.  Now  he  got  really  very  upset  under             recognize  and  put  trust  in  the  intellect  and  talent  of  the
                                                                                       subordinate person. As a result, the elders or bosses remain
        frustra on, "What? What should I do now? Yes, I'll drag this                   eager and impa ent, furious and anxious a er assigning a task
        bastard to the King's court!" Thinking so, he complained to the                to  them. On  the  other  side, the  person  to  whom  the  job  is
        King and summoned him. Minister was quite clever! He tracked                   assigned develops dislike and disgust towards the elders and
        the truth, iden fied the thief's the . But the wicked man said
                                                                                       the bosses. Gurudevshri aptly says 'If we feel, he can't do the job
        just one thing, "Majesty! He cut my nose and ears before. I have
                                                                                       without our step by step explana on then there is a danger in
        paid the price and took the valuables. If he gets fix my nose and               giving  him  a  responsible  job.  Because  if  the  circumstances
        ears on its place, then I'm ready to return all the jewellery today            change, this fool won't make 160 out of 100 but lessen to 60 out
        itself.”                                                                       of  100!  So  the  conclusion  is  one  should  leave  a  bit  on  the
               A  de of astonishment rolled all over in the royal court.               intelligence of the person to whom we are entrus ng the task.
        Even the King understood the ma er. He was shocked to learn                    One should remember 'Boss's instruc ons work  ll the gate'.
        the ruthless cruelty of miser Laxmidas! He decided in his mind                         This same thing applies to today's parents. Non-stop
        that Laxmidas is not worthy for wealth and told Laxmidas to                    hammering  of  instruc ons  on  ones  children  breaks  down
        return his nose and ears and take back your wealth. How can                    their respect and recep vity towards oneself. As a result in
        Laxmidas return it? The case was discharged. 'Oh! I failed to cut              future, they would turn deaf ears to even a benefi ng advice.
        his throat !' He took my wealth worth crores.' He ended his life,              This story also shows how a small decision taken while in boiling
        immersed  in  such  evil-  thinking  and  pained  by  the  intense             anger can result in a terrible and repen ng outcome.
        craving for wealth and went straight deep down in hell. What                           The story also tells us that even if a boss makes a plan to
        did wealth give him? A demon's life instead of human life. One                 harass us, we must be polite. We must not take revenge. We
        should  have  red  alertness  from  such  dangerous  wealth,  so               mustn't do  t for tat. By our polite behaviour, we can change
        much alertness in mind that even a er wealth leaves us off,                     the  hos le  a tude  of  our  boss  towards  us.  The  story  also
        the  holiness  and  purity  in  mind  shouldn't  leak  off,  the                depicts that when one has fallen in a dreadful calamity, he must
        detachment towards the wealth shouldn't go, the so ness and                    not fear. Instead, he must use his intelligence to get out of the
        kindness of heart shouldn't go.                                                catastrophe.
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