P. 42

thought  process  of  the  clerk!  If  he  wished  he  could  have             one soldier went to the emperor and talked about it. Even the
        disclosed the name of his boss before the emperor, but the                     emperor  got  curious.  So  he  called  the  clerk  and  asked  the
        clerk thought, 'Leave it, a er all, he is my master. I should keep             reason.
        intact my loyalty towards him. The merchant is a big man. I                            The clerk said, “My Lord, sorry. I would lose a bumper
        shouldn't behave mean and keep any enmity for him. I can't put                 profit in making all the clarifica on! So just give me the hair
        him in any deadly trouble. To ba le with a horn against a horn is              bunch and let your command be as it is.”
        an  ignorant  game  of  animals.  What  is  the  superiority  of                       Emperor said, "Leave all these things, first of all, tell me
        intelligent humans? The chance of forgiving a grave mistake of                 what is the benefit?”
        the opposite person as a human is very rare to get why should I                        “Majesty, not even great kings have guts to be impolite
        let go this rare and golden opportunity?                                       with you. Then how can my master do? Actually, the thing is,
               Never mind, Don't worry. Boss reached down to such a                    my  boss  once  went  to  the  caves  of  Girnar.  There  he  very
        limit and set such a wicked trap!                                              pleadingly  prayed  and  served  a  great  yogi.  The  yogi  was
               But I've told him 'Boss's instruc ons work  ll the gate'.               pleased and impressed. He gave away his long  ed hair(Jata) to
        So, when the business of the boss is in crisis, under any problem              him. My master became extremely happy. He brought the hair
        outside the gate, it is only my intelligence that would find a way              bunch and kept it in the shop's locker. And a er that master's
        out.  I  would  use  my  intelligence  in  such  a  way  so  that  my          luck  boosted  high.  His  treasure  and  respect  flourished  so
        master's orders are followed and they remain unbroken.’                        much! I was coming to Delhi. My master thought, 'May the
               A er thinking all these things, the clerk laughingly said               royal majesty live long and may his treasure flourish for the
        to  the  soldiers,  “Is  that  so?  Then  I'm  ready  to  die  in  this        welfare of the people'. For that reason, he gi ed the hair bunch
        manner.”                                                                       in the form of a cat! Actually, it was worthy to be kept in the
               The soldiers were surprised. They took him along and                    treasure. But now it's my good luck that if I'll keep it on my chest
        asked  the  clerk  on  the  way.  “Tell  us,  what  is  your  ul mate          and die. I'll get birth in heaven. Such a golden death in contact
        wish?”                                                                         with such holy hair is difficult to obtain!”
               The clerk said, “I want to die keeping that bunch of hair                       The clerk's talks and looking at his rejoicing readiness for
        on my chest. If this happens, I wish to die early. C'mon now.                  death, Emperor got very much convinced that he immediately
        Don't make it so late.”                                                        released the clerk and kept the hair bunch in the treasure! The

               The soldiers became astonished on hearing this. They                    clerk finished the assigned trade job and returned to the office.
        took him to the slaughter place. But they thought, 'What kind                  The merchant saw him with extreme amazement' He is coming
        of man is this? He is not at all trying to save himself or thinking            with a wide smile on his face! What's the ma er? Wasn't he
        for any rescue. And instead, he is saying 'I want to die fast!'                punished?’
        Whatever! Let his ul mate wish be fulfilled before he dies.' So                         But, when the clerk narrated the incident and when he

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