P. 44

In  a  city,  there  lived  a  merchant's  son  named                   away to malprac ce. That's good. But we need to see, is this
        'Dharmadas'. He possessed quali es according to his name.                      woman  doing  all  this  with  this  same  inten on  or  with  the
        Even at a young age, he served saints and sages, pleasingly                    inten on of selfishness? If the inten on is of selfishness, he
        followed religious rites like self-restraint, penance etc. As he               may get saved from straying away to malprac ce, but it would
        arrived  in  his  youth,  with  the  power  of  wealth,  parents               bring a more significant loss 'He shouldn't get a racted to a
        arranged  his  marriage  with  a  merchant's  daughter  named                  more beau ful woman and should admire just her'. What does
        'Sundari'.  Parents  died  a er  a  short   me.  The  young  man               this mean? He should remain a racted and fascinated to her.
        became  the  master  of  the  house.  Wife  Sundari  was  quite                What is the result of this? He won't even look at Bhagwan, Guru
        shrewd. She thought 'Now, no elder is there on his head. He                    and religion. This is really a terrible outcome! And really the
        may wander here and there. If he may see any more beau ful                     same thing happened over here. He remained 'Dharmadas'
        girl, then he would bring her in and make her sit on my head. So,              just by the name, but actually, he became 'Sundaridas' (slave of
        I  will  enchant  him  in  such  a  way  that  he  may  not  wander            his wife named 'Sundari')! He forgot Bhagwan, Guru, religion
        anywhere. How will I enchant him? Through witchcra  or black                   and even his religious well-wishing friend. S ll, his wife saw no
        magic? Absolutely no, only fools do so. I would mesmerise my                   wrong in that. On the contrary, she was pleased to know! 'My
        husband through love and care. 'Then she kept her husband                      husband has forgo en everything in my love and care he goes
        immersed in enjoyment and entertainment, royal and kindly                      from house to office and from office to the house with anxiety
        treatment. She made ready his clothes when her husband had                     to meet just me, his loving wife. I'm everything for him.' No
        to go out. She readily warmly welcomed her husband when he                     religion, no medita on of Bhagwan, nothing else. If one gets his
        arrived  home.  She  washed  her  husband's  feet,  with  water,               favourite thing why would he give a second thought?
        sprinkled that water on her head, pressed his legs and head etc.                       The merchant's son had no other thinking because he
        In short, she treated and took care of him so well that the                    was under the control of lust. He had a religious friend named
        husband saw no one except her. Why? Courtesy conquers even                     'Subuddhi'.  He  worried,  "What  happened?  In  the  past,  my
        the enemy. Even in this vicious black age, courtesy is powerful                friend  used  to  talk  immensely  about  religion  and  people's
        hypno c magic. Service is a great effec ve enchantment. But                     welfare!  Now he is seen nowhere". One-day Subuddhi met his
        the service should be selfless. But over here, the service was                  friend on the way and asked, “Where are you? I haven't seen
        selfish. The husband shouldn't get a racted to someone else                     you since a long  me."
        and should see none but her was the evil inten on behind her                           "Am I so free that you are asking me 'I haven't seen you."
        service.                                                                               Dharmadas grumbled under the intoxica on of wealth.
               Q. What is wrong in this? Husband is being saved from                   The  intoxica on  of  wealth  is  like  madness.  It  makes  you
        straying away to malprac ce.                                                   grumble insensible worlds. He said, "I don't have  me to talk
               A. It's right. The husband would be saved from straying                 with you."

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