P. 48

Such were her dreams. She saw her dreams ge ng fulfilled.                       prospers  ll the body is there. Nothing in hand without the
        Thus, ge ng happier. She believed her life to be successful.                   body. I know, you are taking all these troubles for me. But how
        Other  women  who  don't  have  such  talent,  she  considered                 unfortunate I am, I give you so much trouble, my Lord!" Saying
        them  as  dull  and  dunce!  'If  the  husband  is  not  under  our            so,  she  started  crying  with  louder  and  higher  tone.  Look
        control, doesn't become our slave then what is the use?' This                  minutely, where the dreams of becoming an empress? And
        was her lifestyle!                                                             where  this?  Is  it  true  or  false?  Is  it  affec on  or  trap?  But
               Sun had already set. The evening was passing off and the                 Dharmadas won't get cheated then. Actually, right then, he was
        long  penance  of  Sundari  lately  ended  with  a  glance  of  her            unable to decide what was right and wrong? So he was wai ng
        husband coming! On seeing him, instantly she felt energy spark                 for the last test.
        in her feet! For what? She would get to eat, not only this, but                        He  said,  “But  why  are  you  crying?  Aren't  you  also
        the real mo ve was to show her dedica on and love and in turn                  delicate? In fact more delicate than me. I kept you starving very
        get congratula ons from her husband and make him an ardent                     long. You must have suffered more pain today.”
        slave.                                                                                 “More pain to me? No, not at all. We women are all pain-
               She quickly got up and ran to welcome him. She brought                  proof. We are used to doing all rigorous household chores. We
        him inside the house, took off his clothes, made him sit on the                 are habituated to hunger and wakefulness for long hours. I am
        couch, washed his feet. “You must be very much  red and                        sad, for the sole reason that I feel my life being deserted and
        hungry.” Saying so, she pressed his legs and head. Dharmadas                   devastated even if a li le trouble comes to you. Thinking so,
        used to feel sheer joy every day by her warm service, but that                 tears brim my eyes. I feel so, why don't I die before I've to see
        day his percep on had changed. He had to test that day. So, he                 your trouble?”
        wasn’t  feeling  much  excitement  with  it.  The  thing  may  be                      "What are you saying? C'mon now, get up. You too may
        different than we see because we believe and see the thing                      be hungry. Let's dine together.”
        according to our percep on. Some mes, it happens so that we                            "Just forget about my dinner! Leave me aside, nothing
        are  angry  at  someone.  Even  if  he  may  have  done  a  good,              would happen to me! First of all, let me serve you the dinner.
        helping job for us. But we won't perceive it as good! If we                    See your face. How pale and fade it has become! C'mon get up,
        change  our  percep on  and  make  it  affec onate,  we  would                  food is ready".
        perceive good and be happy even in the ma er of loss.                                  "What have you cooked? I want to have a rich, sweet
               Sundari then said, “Oh! Today you got very late. You got                dish today.”
        so engaged in the work that you forgot hunger and thirst! Your                         “Is  that  so?  I  am  really  very  lucky!  Today  my  lovely
        body is so very delicate! You have ten meals a day with me and                 master, my heart king himself has chosen the dish! I would love
        today you remained hungry throughout the day! How would                        if you everyday order me like this! I get confused now and then'
        the  bodywork  like  this?  Go  to  hell  such  work!  Everything              'What should I cook? What is his favourite food?' Ok fine. Now

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